XML I10-002 XML Master Professional Application Developer Exam Practice Test

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Total 80 questions
Question 1

Push the Exhibit Button to load the referenced "XML Document". When processing the "XML Document" according to the method shown by "DOM Processing," which of the following is the most appropriate expression of the results under XML 1.0? Line feeds and/or indents are not reflected in the results.

Although the expected processing result is choice "B", processing may not occur as expected.

[DOM Processing]

Process XML using the following method.

Document output = createXML( doc, impl );

The variable doc here references the Document instance of the loaded XML Document.

The variable impl here references the DOMImplementation instance.

The DOM parser is namespace aware.

Assume no execution errors.


return output;


Answer : A

Question 2

Select which of the following correctly describes the message reception processing circumstances when a well-formed XML document has been sent/ received. [Transmission] Character encoding for the transmitted XML document is "UTF-16", and no XML declaration has been specified. The media type for transmission is set as "application/xml" without char set parameter. [Receipt] Implementation follows RFC3023 and XML 1.0. The receiving system first identifies the media type, and then processes the XML document. At the point that character encoding has been determined, an XML declaration (including encoding declaration) is appended automatically to the head of the received XML document.

Answer : D

Question 3

Which of the following is a correct statement about XML security?

Answer : B

Question 4

Which of the following correctly describes a WSDL (WSDL 1.1) definition defining a certain service specification?

Answer : C

Question 5

Push the Exhibit Button to load the referenced "XSLT Style Sheet". Select which of the following correctly describes the output results of an XSLT transformation of the "XML Document" using the "XSLT Style Sheet".

[XSLT Style Sheet]

Note that the XSLT processor can output transformation results as a document. Line feeds and indents are not reflected.

[XML Document]



Answer : B

Question 6

Use XSLT transformation to create XML according to the schema (portions modified for this question) defined by TravelXML.

Perform XSLT transformation on the "XML Document" using the following "XSLT Style Sheet".

[XML Schema]

Select which of the following correctly describes the results of performing a validation check on the post-transformation XML against the schema ("XML Schema" referenced when the Exhibit Button is pushed).

Answer : C

Question 7

When receiving an XML document following the schema defined by TravelXML (portions modified for this question), the document is processed via SAX programming. Push the Exhibit Button to load the referenced "XML Schema".

When processing the following "XML Document" according to the method shown by "SAX

Processing," which of the following correctly describes the output results (print method output)?

[XML Document]

The root element name (document element name) is "BookingNotification".

The XML document follows the "XML Schema" definition.

There is no DTD for the XML Document.

The XML Document is comprised of elements and character data; comments and CDATA sections, etc. are not included.

The XML Document is indented, and includes ignorable white spaces such as line feeds and tabs before the start-tags.

[SAX Processing]

Use the following "ContentHandlerImpl" class, and parse the XML Document using SAX.

The SAX parser is namespace aware.

Assume no execution errors.}

Answer : B

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