The profit-sharing plan of Company ABC requires the company pay a specified proportion of its profit for the year to employees who serve throughout the year. If no employees leave during the year, the total profit-sharing payments for the year will be 3% of profit. The company estimates that staff turnover will reduce the payments to 2.5% of profit. What does Company ABC recognize as a liability and an expense?
Answer : B
What is a constructive obligation?
Answer : C
Employee benefits that are payable after the completion of employment are considered what kind of benefits?
Answer : B
The IAS 19 standard applies to which of the following groups of employees?
Answer : C
When an employee has provided service in exchange for benefits to be paid in the future, what is it considered in accounting terms?
Answer : D
Companies desire more current assets than current liabilities. What is the difference between current assets and current liabilities called?
Answer : C
Which of the following is true of liabilities?
Answer : A