Minimizing impervious surfaces, protecting soils, and enhancing native vegetation are all strategies that:
Answer : D
These strategies enhance rainwater management by reducing runoff, improving infiltration, and preserving natural hydrological cycles. LEED promotes these approaches in the Sustainable Sites category.
What occurs when light from a parking area spreads and surplus lighting spills beyond the project boundary?
Answer : B
Light trespass refers to surplus lighting that spills outside the project boundary, negatively impacting adjacent areas and wildlife. LEED addresses this issue under Sustainable Sites credits for light pollution reduction.
If a project incorporates daylighting, in which category should the project team seek points for implementing this strategy?
Answer : C
Daylighting falls under the Indoor Environmental Quality category. LEED awards points for strategies that enhance natural light to improve occupant comfort and reduce energy consumption.
Approximately what percentage of the Earth's water is fresh water?
Answer : A
Only 3% of the Earth's water is fresh, and a significant portion is locked in glaciers and ice caps. LEED emphasizes water conservation strategies to protect this finite resource.
Which of the following processes should a project team use to establish synergy among systems and components?
Answer : A
The Integrative Process enables collaboration across disciplines from the earliest project phases, promoting synergy among systems and components. This leads to optimized performance and aligns with LEED's emphasis on holistic design.
All LEED rating systems include:
Answer : C
LEED rating systems are designed with 100 base points for core credits, six bonus points for Innovation, and four bonus points for Regional Priority credits. This structure allows projects to achieve a total of 110 points, reflecting LEED's flexibility and comprehensive approach.
What plumbing fixture eliminates water use?
Answer : D
Composting toilets operate without water, making them ideal for reducing potable water consumption. LEED promotes such innovative technologies for achieving water efficiency credits.