What is the following step-by-step description an example of?
1. The attacker devises a non-default beacon profile with Cobalt Strike and embeds this within a document.
2. The attacker creates a unique email with the malicious document based on extensive research about their target.
3. When the victim opens this document, a C2 channel is established to the attacker's temporary infrastructure on a compromised website.
Answer : D
What is the main difference between a DDoS and a DoS attack?
Answer : C
What is the main difference between hypothesis-driven and data-driven Threat Hunting?
Answer : B
A threat hunter generates a report containing the list of users who have logged in to a particular database during the last 6 months, along with the number of times they have each authenticated. They sort this list and remove any user names who have logged in more than 6 times. The remaining names represent the users who rarely log in, as their activity is more suspicious. The hunter examines each of these rare logins in detail.
This is an example of what type of threat-hunting technique?
Answer : A
The field file_acl contains access controls associated with files affected by an event. In which data model would an analyst find this field?
Answer : D
An analyst is investigating the number of failed login attempts by IP address. Which SPL command can be used to create a temporary table containing the number of failed login attempts by IP address over a specific time period?
Answer : C
Which of the following is considered Personal Data under GDPR?
Answer : B