Splunk SPLK-1002 Splunk Core Certified Power User Exam Practice Test

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Total 289 questions
Question 1

Two separate results tables are being combined using the join command. The outer table has the following values:

The inner table has the following values:

The line of SPL used to join the tables is: join employeeNumber type=outer

How many rows are returned in the new table?

Answer : C

In this case, the outer join is applied, which means that all rows from the outer (left) table will be included, even if there are no matching rows in the inner (right) table. The result will include all five rows from the outer table, with the matched data from the inner table where employeeNumber matches. Rows without matching employeeNumber values will have null values for the fields from the inner table.

Splunk Documentation - Join Command

Question 2

A search contains example(100,200). What is the name of the macro?

Answer : B

In Splunk, macros that accept arguments are defined with placeholders for those arguments in the format example(var1, var2). In the search example(100,200), '100' and '200' are the values passed for var1 and var2 respectively.

Splunk Docs -- Macros

Question 3

What happens to the original field name when a field alias is created?

Answer : A

Creating a field alias in Splunk does not modify or remove the original field. Instead, the alias allows the same data to be accessed using a different field name without affecting the original field.

Question 4

How do event types help a user search their data?

Answer : D

Event types allow users to assign labels to events based on predefined search strings. This helps categorize data and makes it easier to reference specific sets of events in future searches.

Splunk Docs - Event types

Question 5

A user wants a table that will show the total revenue made for each product in each sales region. Which would be the correct SPL query to use?

Answer : B

The chart command with sum(price) by product, region will return a table where the total revenue (price) is aggregated (sum) for each product and sales region. This is the correct way to aggregate data in Splunk.

Splunk Docs - chart command

Question 6

A POST workflow action will pass which types of arguments to an external website?

Answer : B

A POST workflow action in Splunk is designed to send data to an external web service by using HTTP POST requests. This type of workflow action can pass a combination of clear text strings and variables derived from the search results or event data. The clear text strings might include static text or predefined values, while the variables are dynamic elements that represent specific fields or values extracted from the Splunk events. This flexibility allows for constructing detailed and context-specific requests to external systems, enabling various integration and automation scenarios. The POST request can include both types of data, making it versatile for different use cases.

Question 7

Which of the following statements is true about the root dataset of a data model?

Answer : B

In Splunk, a data model's root dataset is the foundational element upon which the rest of the data model is built. The root dataset can be of various types, including search, transaction, or event-based datasets. One of the key features of the root dataset is that it automatically inherits the knowledge objects associated with its base search. These knowledge objects include field extractions, lookups, aliases, and calculated fields that are defined for the base search, ensuring that the root dataset has all necessary contextual information from the outset. This allows users to build upon this dataset with additional child datasets and objects without having to redefine the base search's knowledge objects.

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