Scrum Professional Scrum with Kanban Exam Practice Test

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Total 66 questions
Question 1

Which of the following is NOT a Kanban for Scrum Teams practice?

(choose the best answer)

Answer : E

The Kanban Guide for Scrum Teams outlines four primary Kanban practices essential for Scrum Teams:

Visualization of the Workflow.

Limiting Work in Progress (WIP).

Active management of work items in progress.

Explicit policies for workflow management, often including the identification of bottlenecks.

Inspecting and adapting the workflow is not explicitly listed as a Kanban practice for Scrum Teams. While inspection and adaptation are fundamental to Scrum (due to its reliance on empiricism), they are not specific to the set of Kanban practices integrated into Scrum.

Question 2

Which metric makes most sense to look at during Sprint Planning?

(choose the best answer)

Answer : B

During Sprint Planning, the most relevant metric to consider is Throughput (Option B), which measures the number of work items completed in a given time frame (e.g., per Sprint). By reviewing past throughput, the team can make informed decisions about how much work they are likely to complete in the upcoming Sprint, taking into account their capacity and any potential changes in team composition or external factors.

* Service Level Expectation (A) is less relevant as it is more about setting expectations with stakeholders rather than planning the Sprint.

* Work Item Aging (C) is a leading indicator metric used to track how long current work items have been in progress, which is less helpful during planning.

* Work in Progress (D) indicates the current workload but does not provide historical data useful for forecasting in Sprint Planning

Question 3

True or False: The Scrum framework already contains elements that create a pull system.

Answer : A

The Scrum framework already contains elements that create a pull system. In Scrum, the team members 'pull' work into the Sprint Backlog during Sprint Planning. They decide which Product Backlog items they will commit to completing based on their capacity and the Sprint Goal. This is a form of a pull system where the team only takes in as much work as they believe they can complete within a Sprint, aligning with Kanban principles that limit Work in Progress (WIP) to optimize flow

Question 4

Which of these statements about Sprints and Kanban is NOT correct?

(choose the best answer)

Answer : B

This statement is incorrect. A Scrum Team will not stop using Sprints just by implementing Kanban. Kanban is used to complement Scrum practices, not replace them. The team continues to use Sprints as a cadence and timebox for delivering increments of work while also incorporating Kanban principles like visualizing work, limiting WIP, and managing flow to enhance their process

Question 5

The Cycle Time metric for a certain Work Item cannot be used:

(choose the best two answers)

Answer : A, D

Cycle Time is a lagging indicator, meaning it can only be measured after a work item is complete. Therefore, it cannot be used as a leading indicator of the length of the feedback loop (Option A). Additionally, Cycle Time is not typically used during the Daily Scrum to help Developers inspect and adapt their Sprint; rather, it is more often used to assess overall process efficiency

Question 6

Which of the following are Kanban practices for Scrum?

(choose the best answer)

Answer : A

The best answer is option A, which outlines the core Kanban practices for Scrum:

* Visualizing Flow: Helps the team see the state of work items at a glance.

* Limiting Work in Progress (WIP): Prevents overloading the team and promotes focus on completing work.

* Actively Managing the WIP: Ensures the team continuously monitors and manages the amount of work in progress.

* Inspecting and Adapting the Workflow: Regularly reviewing and adjusting the workflow to improve efficiency and effectiveness

Question 7

What might a Scrum Team visualize with Kanban?

(choose the best three answers)

Answer : A, C, D

When a Scrum Team uses Kanban, they can visualize:

* The Product Backlog: By making the Product Backlog visible, the team can track what work items are upcoming and prioritize them effectively.

* The Sprint Backlog: Visualizing the Sprint Backlog helps the team see the work planned for the current Sprint, track progress, and manage flow.

* The Definition of Done: Making the Definition of Done visible ensures that all team members and stakeholders understand the criteria that must be met for work to be considered complete

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