Which of the following are ABAP Cloud Development Model rules?
Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
Answer : A, C
Build ABAP RESTful application programming model-based services. This rule ensures that the ABAP Cloud code follows the state-of-the-art development paradigm for building cloud-ready business services. The ABAP RESTful application programming model (RAP) is a framework that provides a consistent end-to-end programming model for creating, reading, updating, and deleting (CRUD) business dat
In RESTful Application Programming, which EML statement retrieves an object?
Answer : C
In RESTful Application Programming, the EML statement that retrieves an object is GET entity. The GET entity statement is used to read data of an entity instance from the database or the transaction buffer. The GET entity statement can specify the entity name, the entity key, and the entity elements to be retrieved. The GET entity statement can also use the IN LOCAL MODE addition to bypass the access control, authorization control, and feature control checks. The GET entity statement returns a single entity instance or raises an exception if no instance is found or multiple instances match the key.
The other EML statements are not used to retrieve an object, but have different purposes and effects. These statements are:
FIND entity: This statement is used to search for entity instances that match a given condition. The FIND entity statement can specify the entity name, the entity elements to be returned, and the condition to be applied. The FIND entity statement can also use the IN LOCAL MODE addition to bypass the access control, authorization control, and feature control checks. The FIND entity statement returns a table of entity instances or an empty table if no instances match the condition.
SELECT entity: This statement is used to query data of entity instances from the database or the transaction buffer. The SELECT entity statement can specify the entity name, the entity elements to be returned, and the filter, order, and aggregation options to be applied. The SELECT entity statement can also use the IN LOCAL MODE addition to bypass the access control, authorization control, and feature control checks. The SELECT entity statement returns a table of entity instances or an empty table if no instances match the query.
READ entity: This statement is not a valid EML statement, but an ABAP statement. The READ statement is used to access a single row of an internal table using the table index or the table key. The READ statement can also use the TRANSPORTING addition to specify which fields should be returned, and the INTO addition to specify the target variable. The READ statement returns a single row of the internal table or raises an exception if no row is found or multiple rows match the key.
You want to provide a short description of the data definition for developers that will be attached to the database view
Which of the following annotations would do this if you inserted it on line #27
Answer : D
The following code snippet uses the @EndUserText.label annotation to provide a short description of the data definition for the CDS view ZCDS_VIEW:
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'ZCDS_VIEW' @AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true @AbapCatalog.preserveKey: true @AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK @EndUserText.label: 'CDS view for flight data' 'short description for developers define view ZCDS_VIEW as select from sflight { key carrid, key connid, key fldate, seatsmax, seatsocc }
You cannot do any of the following:
Which of the following are valid sort operations for internal tables? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
Answer : A, C, D
Which of the following ABAP SQL snippets are syntactically correct ways to provide a value for the parameter on line #4? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question
Answer : A, B
/DMO/I_Connection is a CDS view.
What variable type is connection full based on the following code? DATA connection full TYPE
Answer : B
Based on the following code, the variable type of connection_full is a structure. A structure is a complex data type that consists of a group of related data objects, called components, that have their own data types and names. A structure can be defined using the TYPES statement or based on an existing structure type, such as a CDS view entity or a CDS DDIC-based view. In this case, the variable connection_full is declared using the TYPE addition, which means that it has the same structure type as the CDS view entity /DMO/I_Connection. The CDS view entity /DMO/I_Connection is a data model view that defines a data model based on the database table /DMO/Connection. The CDS view entity /DMO/I_Connection has the following components: carrid, connid, airpfrom, airpto, distance, and fltime. Therefore, the variable connection_full has the same components as the CDS view entity /DMO/I_Connection, and each component has the same data type and length as the corresponding field in the database table /DMO/Connection.
In ABAP SQL, which of the following can be assigned an alias? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
Answer : B, C
The following are examples of how to assign an alias to a field or a database table in ABAP SQL:
B . field (from field list): A field is a column of a table or a view that contains data of a certain type. A field can be assigned an alias in the field list of a SELECT statement, which specifies the fields that are selected from the data source. For example, the following query assigns the alias name to the field carrname of the table scarr:
SELECT carrid, carrname AS name FROM scarr.
C . database table: A database table is a collection of data that is organized in rows and columns. A database table can be assigned an alias in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement, which specifies the data source that is selected from. For example, the following query assigns the alias c to the table scarr:
SELECT c.carrid, c.carrname FROM scarr AS c.
The following are not valid for assigning an alias in ABAP SQL: