Salesforce Certified Hyperautomation Specialist Exam Practice Test

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Total 60 questions
Question 1

The current date and time is September 28, 2022, at 9:00 a.m.

A process running in a single Secured Session is scheduled to start September 28, 2022, at 10:00 a.m., and run every 45 minutes.

If the process takes one hour to complete when it runs for the first time, when will it run for the second time?

Answer : C

The process running in a single Secured Session is scheduled to start at 10:00 a.m. and run every 45 minutes. If the process takes one hour to complete the first time, it will start the next run only after the current execution finishes because it's within a single secured session:

First Run:

Scheduled to start at 10:00 a.m.

Takes 1 hour to complete, finishing at 11:00 a.m.

Next Run:

Since the first run takes 1 hour, the next execution can only start after the first one completes.

The subsequent run will then start 45 minutes after the completion of the first run, which is at 11:00 a.m. + 45 minutes = 11:45 a.m.

So, the process will run for the second time at 11:45 a.m.

MuleSoft Scheduler Documentation

Question 2

AnyAirlines needs to select a tool for developing an integration between Salesforce and an ERP system in the cloud. The requirements state that the systems must communicate bidirectionally and as close to real time as possible. The ERP system can be accessed via a SOAP-based web service.

Which tool meets the requirements of this integration?

Answer : A

Anypoint Studio is the most suitable tool for developing an integration between Salesforce and an ERP system in the cloud, especially when bidirectional communication in near real-time is required. Here's why:

SOAP-Based Web Services Support:

Anypoint Studio supports SOAP-based web services, which is essential since the ERP system can be accessed via SOAP.

Bidirectional Communication:

Anypoint Studio allows for complex integrations that require bidirectional communication. You can set up flows that handle both inbound and outbound data seamlessly.

Real-Time Integration:

With Anypoint Studio, you can design integrations that process data in near real-time, ensuring timely updates between Salesforce and the ERP system.

Advanced Integration Capabilities:

Anypoint Studio offers advanced capabilities for data transformation, error handling, and connecting various systems, making it ideal for complex integration scenarios.

Anypoint Studio Documentation

Question 3

AnyAirlines is developing an RPA process and is implementing testing best practices. They want to take the RPA process through rigorous testing.

During these tests, where do RPA process test plans execute?

Answer : A

During testing of an RPA process, test plans are executed on a configured RPA Bot. This allows you to simulate real-world scenarios and ensure the RPA process works correctly under various conditions:

On a Configured RPA Bot:

RPA Bots are configured to execute the automated tasks defined in the RPA process. By running test plans on these bots, you can verify the functionality and performance of the RPA process.

This approach ensures that the RPA process is thoroughly tested in an environment that closely mirrors production conditions.

MuleSoft RPA Documentation

Question 4

Northern Trail Outfitters evaluates multiple standards for the exit criteria of a stage in their Flow Orchestration. Based on their criteria, they want the flow to go down one of three paths.

How should this be built in Flow Orchestration to meet this requirement?

Answer : B

To implement branching logic based on multiple criteria in Flow Orchestration, you can use the following approach:

Evaluation Flow Returns a Number Variable:

Create an evaluation flow that assesses the exit criteria for the current stage and returns a number variable indicating which path to take (e.g., 1, 2, or 3).

Decision Element:

Use a decision element in Flow Orchestration to evaluate the number variable returned by the evaluation flow. Based on the value of the variable, the decision element will determine which path to execute next.

This approach allows for clear and maintainable branching logic, ensuring that the flow can proceed down one of three paths based on the defined criteria.

Salesforce Flow Orchestration Documentation

Question 5

Which API policy can be applied to limit the number of requests an individual client can make to an API?

Answer : C

The Rate Limiting - SLA-Based policy in Anypoint Platform is designed to control the number of requests an individual client can make to an API. This policy is highly configurable and allows you to set specific limits based on service level agreements (SLAs).

Rate Limiting - SLA-Based:

This policy helps protect APIs from being overwhelmed by too many requests by enforcing a limit on the number of requests a client can make within a specified time frame.

You can define different rate limits for different tiers of clients, ensuring fair usage and protecting backend services.

Anypoint Platform Rate Limiting Documentation

Question 6

Northern Trail Outfitters is developing an API that connects to a vendor's database.

Which two strategies should their Ops team use to monitor the overall health of the API and database using API Functional Monitoring? (Choose two.)

Answer : B, D

Health-Check Endpoint: Creating and regularly calling a health-check endpoint is a common strategy to ensure that the API and its underlying systems are operational. This endpoint typically performs basic checks such as database connectivity and service availability.

GET Call to Existing Endpoint: Making a GET call to an existing API endpoint and verifying that the results match expected data helps ensure that the API is not only running but also functioning correctly. This approach validates that the API can retrieve data from the database as intended.

Monitoring CloudHub Worker Logs: While monitoring logs can be useful, it is more of a reactive approach. Proactive strategies like health-check endpoints and GET calls provide immediate validation of the API's operational status.

Verifying Mule Worker Logs for Errors: This approach can complement health-check endpoints and GET calls but should not be the primary strategy. Logs are helpful for diagnosing issues after they occur rather than ensuring ongoing health.

Question 7

AnyAirlines selected AWS Cloud services as their infrastructure platform. They need to implement Anypoint Platform as the integration solution along with existing cloud capabilities like vertical/horizontal scalability and zero downtime redeployments.

Which type of deployment strategy is needed?

Answer : B

Anypoint Runtime Fabric: Anypoint Runtime Fabric (RTF) is designed for deploying Mule applications on any cloud infrastructure, including AWS. It supports vertical and horizontal scalability and enables zero-downtime deployments, which aligns with AnyAirlines' requirements.

Vertical/Horizontal Scalability: RTF allows scaling applications both vertically (adding more resources to existing nodes) and horizontally (adding more nodes to the cluster). This ensures high availability and performance.

Zero Downtime Deployments: RTF supports zero-downtime deployments by utilizing rolling updates and canary deployments, ensuring that updates do not disrupt ongoing operations.

AWS Integration: RTF can be deployed on AWS, leveraging existing cloud infrastructure capabilities and providing a seamless integration experience.

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Total 60 questions