A client has integrated data from Facebook Ads. Twitter ads, and Google ads in marketing Cloud intelligence. For each data source, the source, the data follows a naming convensions as ...
Facebook Ads Naming Convention - Campaign Name:
Twitter Ads Naming Convention- Media Buy Name
Google ads Naming Convention-Media Buy Name:
The client wants to harmonize their data on the common fields between these two platforms (i.e. Market and Objective) using the Harmonization Center. Given the above information, which statement is correct regarding the ability to implement this request?
wet Me - Given the above information, which statement i 's Correct regarding the ability to implement this request?
Answer : D
A client's data consists of three data streams as follows:
* The data streams should be linked together through a parent-child relationship.
* Out of the three data streams, Data Stream C is considered the source of truth for both the dimensions and measurements.
Which data stream should be set as a parent?
Answer : B
A client's data consists of three data streams as follows:
Data Stream A:
* The data streams should be linked together through a parent-child relationship.
* Out of the three data streams, Data Stream C is considered the source of truth for both the dimensions and measurements.
* Data Stream C was set as a 'Parent', and the 'Override Media Buy Hierarchy' checkbox is checked
What should the Data Updates Permissions be set to for Data Stream B?
Answer : A
A client's data consists of three data streams as follows:
Data Stream A:
* The data streams should be linked together through a parent-child relationship.
* Out of the three data streams, Data Stream C is considered the source of truth for both the dimensions and measurements.
Assuming the data was ingested properly and the Parent Child was created correctly according to the client's requirements, what is the total
Impressions value for Campaign Key 'CK_3'?
Answer : B
An implementation engineer is requested to extract the first three-letter segment of the Campaign Name values.
For example:
Campaign Name: AFD@Mulop-1290
Desired outcome: AFD
Other examples:
Which formula will return the desired values?
Answer : B
The following file was uploaded into Marketing Cloud Intelligence as a generic dataset type:
The mapping is as follows:
Day --- Day
Web_site_source --- Main Generic Entity Attribute 01
Page Views --- Generic Metric 1
*Note that 'web_site_key' and 'web_site_name' are NOT mapped.
How many rows will be stored in Marketing Cloud Intelligence after the above file is ingested?
Answer : A
A client has integrated the following files:
File A:
File B:
The client would like to link the two files in order to view the two KPIs ('Tasks Completed' and 'Tasks Assigned) alongside 'Employee Name' and/or
The client set the following properties:
+ File A is set as the Parent data stream
* Both files were uploaded to a generic data stream type.
* Override Media Buy Hierarchies is checked for file
* The 'Data Updates Permissions' set for file B is 'Update Attributes and Hierarchy'.
When filtering on the entire date range (1-30/8), and querying employee ID, Name and Squad with the two measurements - what will the result look like?
Answer : B