Salesforce Marketing Cloud Intelligence Accredited Professional Exam Practice Test

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Total 63 questions
Question 1

A client's data consists of three data streams as follows:

Data Stream A:

Answer : B

Question 2

A client has integrated the following files:

File A:

File B:

The client would like to link the two files in order to view the two KPIs ('Tasks Completed' and 'Tasks Assigned) alongside 'Employee Name' and/or


The client set the following properties:

+ File A is set as the Parent data stream

* Both files were uploaded to a generic data stream type.

* Override Media Buy Hierarchies is checked for file


* The 'Data Updates Permissions' set for file B is 'Update Attributes and Hierarchy'.

When filtering on the entire date range (1-30/8), and querying employee ID, Name and Squad with the two measurements - what will the result look like?





Answer : B

Question 3

A client would like to integrate the following two sources:

Google Campaign Manager:


After configuring a Parent-Child relationship between the files, which query should an implementation engineer run in order to QA the setup?

Answer : A

Question 4

An implementation engineer has been provided with the below dataset:

*Note: CPC = Cost per Click

Formula: Cost / Clicks

Which action should an engineer take to successfully integrate CPC?

Answer : A

Question 5

An implementation engineer has been asked by a client for assistance with the following problem:

The below dataset was ingested:

However, when performing QA and querying a pivot table with Campaign Category and Clicks, the value for Type' is 4.

What could be the reason for this discrepancy?

Answer : C

Question 6

An implementation engineer has been asked to perform a QA for a newly created harmonization field, Color, implemented by a client.

The source file that was ingested can be seen below:

The client performed the below standard mapping:

As a final step, the client had created the field 'Color'. As can be seen, it is extracted from the Creative Name (after the '#' sign).

For QA purposes, you have queried a pivot table, with the following fields:

* Media Buy Key

* Media Buy Name

* In View Impressions

The final pivot is presented below:

Answer : D

Question 7

A technical architect is provided with the logic and Opportunity file shown below:

The opportunity status logic is as follows:

For the opportunity stages ''Interest'', ''Confirmed Interest'' and ''Registered'', the status should be ''Open''.

For the opportunity stage ''Closed'', the opportunity status should be closed Otherwise, return null for the opportunity status.

Given the above file and logic and assuming that the file is mapped in a generic data stream type with the following mapping

''Day'' --- Standard ''Day'' field

''Opportunity Key'' > Main Generic Entity Key

''Opportunity Stage'' + Generic Entity Key 2

A pivot table was created to present the count of opportunities in each stage. The pivot table is filtered on Jan 7th - 11th. Which option reflects the stage(s) the Opportunity key 123AA01 is associated with?

Answer : C

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Total 63 questions