A developer adds a diagnostic log component to an automation and checks the log file.
Based on the image, how did the developer configure the diagnostic log component settings?
Answer : B
While interrogating a web application, you come across a hidden menu item: AddressType. The AddressType menu item activates when the pointer hovers over the control; the menu displays a drop-down list.
How do you interrogate this hidden drop-down list control?
Answer : D
You interrogated a web application. All controls and objects matched, and the automations worked as coded. During the pilot, the solution failed on the web application. The IT department had released a new version of the web application. Upon review of the new version, you determined that the web page hierarchy changed.
Which interrogation option do you use to correct the solution?
Answer : B
As a new development requirement, you must disable the Inventory link as shown in the following image. The Inventory link must be available only to the Store Managers user group. The user group validation is already developed, and the web application has already completed interrogation.
How do you disable Inventory link for the remaining user group?
Answer : A
The following Context variables are defined in the Interaction.xml of the solution.
An automation creates an interaction and later sets the following values for Procedures and HasBeenPaid.
When the agent finishes the call, an automation clears the context variables using ClearContext.
What is the state of the HasBeenPaid variable at this point?
Answer : B
You have extracted a proxy for a data set and are using it to pass the data into a procedure automation input parameter. In the procedure automation, the data link from the input parameter is not connecting to the stringValue on a stringUtils method.
What two troubleshooting steps do you perform to correct the issue? (Choose two.)
Answer : A, C
You created an RDA solution for a company that uses an application bar with various buttons that trigger robotic automations. Some of the users complained that the application bar often locks up during automation processing. Others complained that the automations enter the same data two to three times each iteration.
You suspect that the users are triggering the crashes and duplicate automation behavior by double-clicking the buttons on the application bar.
How do you resolve the situation?
Answer : C