An accident claim case creates a vehicle claim case for each vehicle involved in an accident.
Which two configurations prevent the accident claim case from resolving before all vehicle claims are resolved? (Choose Two)
Answer : A, B
These answers are correct because they prevent the accident claim case from resolving before all vehicle claims are resolved, as per the requirement. By adding each vehicle claim as a child case of the accident claim, you can create a case hierarchy that allows you to manage related cases together. By adding a wait step to the accident claim case, you can pause the parent case until all child cases reach a specific status, such as Resolved. Reference: (Module 5: Case Hierarchy)
Which two of the following use cases do you implement by using one or more calculated fields' (Choose Two)
What two visualizations can you use to present insight data on the Explore Data landing page? (Choose Two)
Which two statements are true about insights? (Choose Two)
A purchase request list report includes columns for case ID and regional cost center. A manager wants the report to show the total number of purchase requests for each of the regional cost centers.
How do you configure the report definition?
You notice that the scope of your project exceeds the original estimates, and the Minimum Lovable Product (MLP) might not be delivered on time. Which team member do you contact to verify the project plan and manage expectations for the release schedule?
A transaction dispute case type allows customers to dispute a bank card transaction for one of three reasons:
Stolen card
Duplicate charge
Fulfillment error
Most disputes for the stolen cards occur at two vendors, MegaMart and MaxValu. The fraud analyst requests a report that displays stolen card disputes meeting the following thresholds:
USD 25 or more at MaxValu
USD 50 or more at MegaMart
Given the following filter conditions, which logic statement returns the correct subset of transaction disputes?