In the PAN-OS Web Interface, which is a session distribution method offered under NAT Translated Packet Tab to choose how the firewall assigns sessions?
Which path in PAN-OS 11.x would you follow to see how new and modified App-IDs impact a Security policy?
Answer : C
To see how new and modified App-IDs impact your Security policy, you need to follow the path Device > Dynamic Updates > Review App-IDs on PAN-OS 11.x. This option allows you to perform a content update policy review for both downloaded and installed content. You can view the list of new and modified App-IDs and their descriptions, and see which Security policy rules are affected by them.You can also modify the rules or create new ones to adjust your Security policy as needed1.Reference:See How New and Modified App-IDs Impact Your Security Policy,Updated Certifications for PAN-OS 10.1,Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Administrator (PAN-OS 10.0)or [Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Administrator (PAN-OS 10.0)].
Which action can be performed when grouping rules by group tags?
Answer : D
When grouping rules by group tags, the action that can be performed is to tag selected rule(s). This action allows you to assign one or more tags to the selected rules, which will group them together and display them under the corresponding tag group.You can use tags to organize and visually distinguish your rules based on different criteria, such as function, location, or priority1.Reference:View Rules by Tag Group,Use Tags to Group and Visually Distinguish Objects,Certifications - Palo Alto Networks,Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Administrator (PAN-OS 10.0)or [Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Administrator (PAN-OS 10.0)].
Which three Ethernet interface types are configurable on the Palo Alto Networks firewall? (Choose three.)
Answer : A, B, D
Palo Alto Networks firewalls support three types of Ethernet interfaces that can be configured on the firewall: virtual wire, tap, and layer 31. These interface types determine how the firewall processes traffic and applies security policies. Some of the characteristics of these interface types are:
Virtual Wire: A virtual wire interface allows the firewall to transparently pass traffic between two network segments without modifying the packets or affecting the routing.The firewall can still apply security policies and inspect the traffic based on the source and destination zones of the virtual wire2.
Tap: A tap interface allows the firewall to passively monitor traffic from a network switch or router without affecting the traffic flow. The firewall can only receive traffic from a tap interface and cannot send traffic out of it.The firewall can apply security policies and inspect the traffic based on the source and destination zones of the tap interface3.
Layer 3: A layer 3 interface allows the firewall to act as a router and participate in the network routing.The firewall can send and receive traffic from a layer 3 interface and apply security policies and inspect the traffic based on the source and destination IP addresses and zones of the interface4.
Which table for NAT and NPTv6 (IPv6-to-IPv6 Network Prefix Translation) settings is available only on Panorama?
Answer : A
The NAT Target tab is a table that allows you to specify the target firewalls or device groups for each NAT policy rule on Panorama. This tab is available only on Panorama and not on individual firewalls. The NAT Target tab enables you to create a single NAT policy rulebase on Panorama and then selectively push the rules to the firewalls or device groups that require them.This reduces the complexity and duplication of managing NAT policies across multiple firewalls1.Reference:NAT Target Tab,NAT Policy Overview,NPTv6 Overview,Updated Certifications for PAN-OS 10.1.
Which two features implement one-to-one translation of a source IP address while allowing the source port to change? (Choose two.)
Which System log severity level would be displayed as a result of a user password change?
Answer : D
System logs display entries for each system event on the firewall.
1. Critical - Hardware failures, including high availability (HA) failover and link failures.
2. High - Serious issues, including dropped connections with external devices, such as LDAP and RADIUS servers.
3. Medium - Mid-level notifications, such as antivirus package upgrades.
4. Low - Minor severity notifications, such as user password changes.
5. Informational - Log in/log off, administrator name or password change, any configuration change, and all other events not covered by the other severity levels.