Before evidence can be presented in court, it must be competent, relevant, and material to the issue and must be presented in compliance with the rules of evidence.
Answer : A
For digital evidence to beadmissible in court, it must meet three key criteria:
Competence-- Evidence must be authentic and legally obtained.
Relevance-- Evidence must relate to the case.
Materiality-- Evidence must have a direct impact on proving an element of the crime.
Failure to meet these criteria may result inevidence exclusion.
McAfee Institute Digital Evidence Standards
DOJ Federal Rules of Evidence
Cyber Investigations Legal Framework
Please indicate the best method for saving electronic records of the search results:
Answer : C
Savingentire webpagesensures that:
Metadata, timestamps, and digital artifactsare preserved.
Evidence remains admissiblein court.
Data tampering risks are minimized.
Forensic tools likeHunchly, Webrecorder, and OSINT Captureare commonly used.
McAfee Institute Digital Investigation Handbook
FBI Digital Evidence Capture Guidelines
Federal Cyber Investigation Procedures
Intelligence personnel must never save the search results that satisfy the research objective as it has no bearing on a case.
Answer : B
Savingsearch results, screenshots, and metadatais critical forevidence preservationin OSINT investigations. Investigators must:
Document findingsfor verification.
Maintain chain of custodyfor legal admissibility.
Ensure evidence integritythrough timestamping and forensic validation.
Failure to save results canjeopardize case validity.
McAfee Institute OSINT Techniques Guide
Federal Digital Evidence Collection Procedures
DOJ Cyber Intelligence Training
Please select the steps in the evidence life cycle:
Answer : E
Theevidence life cyclein cyber investigations consists of multiple steps:
Collection and identification-- Gathering digital evidence while maintaining integrity.
Storage, preservation, and transportation-- Ensuring secure storage to prevent tampering.
Presentation in court-- Providing evidence in a legally admissible manner.
Returned to the victim-- In cases where applicable, digital devices or data are returned.
Following these steps ensureschain of custody is maintainedandevidence is legally sound.
McAfee Institute Digital Evidence Handbook
DOJ Chain of Custody Guidelines
Federal Digital Investigation Procedures
Mobile forensics acquisition is:
Answer : D
Mobile forensics acquisitioninvolvessecuring, extracting, analyzing, and documenting digital evidencefrommobile devices, ensuring integrity forlegal proceedings. Investigators use tools like:
Oxygen Forensic Detective
This process ensures evidence iscollected, preserved, and admissible in court.
McAfee Institute Mobile Forensics Guide
Federal Mobile Device Investigation Framework
Law Enforcement Digital Evidence Protocols
The United States Secret Service was originally created to:
Answer : A
TheUnited States Secret Service (USSS)was originally founded in1865to combatcounterfeiting, which was a significant issue post-Civil War. The agency later expanded its role to include:
Financial crimesinvestigations.
Cyber fraud detection and prevention.
Protective services for high-ranking officials(added later).
Today, the USSS plays a key role infinancial cybercrime investigations.
A legal factor of computer-generated evidence is that it is considered hearsay.
Answer : A
Computer-generated evidence, such aslog files, metadata, and automated reports, is often classified ashearsaybecause it lacks a human declarant. However, exceptions exist under:
Business records exception-- If logs are kept in the regular course of business.
Public records exception-- If data is collected by government agencies.
Forensic investigators usehash verification and timestamp validationto ensure evidence reliability.