Linux Foundation CKA Certified Kubernetes Administrator Exam Practice Test

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Total 67 questions
Question 1

Score: 5%


From the pod label name=cpu-utilizer, find pods running high CPU workloads and write the name of the pod consuming most CPU to the file /opt/KUTR00401/KUTR00401.txt (which already exists).

Answer : A

Question 2

Score: 4%


Set the node named ek8s-node-1 as unavailable and reschedule all the pods running on it.

Answer : A

Question 3

Score: 4%


You have been asked to create a new ClusterRole for a deployment pipeline and bind it to a specific ServiceAccount scoped to a specific namespace.


Create a new ClusterRole named deployment-clusterrole, which only allows to create the following resource types:

* Deployment

* StatefulSet

* DaemonSet

Create a new ServiceAccount named cicd-token in the existing namespace app-team1.

Bind the new ClusterRole deployment-clusterrole lo the new ServiceAccount cicd-token , limited to the namespace app-team1.

Answer : A

Question 4

List the nginx pod with custom columns POD_NAME and POD_STATUS

Answer : A

Question 5

Print pod name and start time to ''/opt/pod-status'' file

Answer : A

Question 6

List the nginx pod with custom columns POD_NAME and POD_STATUS

Answer : A

Question 7

Create a snapshot of the etcd instance running at, saving the snapshot to the file path /srv/data/etcd-snapshot.db.

The following TLS certificates/key are supplied for connecting to the server with etcdctl:

CA certificate: /opt/KUCM00302/ca.crt

Client certificate: /opt/KUCM00302/etcd-client.crt

Client key: Topt/KUCM00302/etcd-client.key

Answer : A

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Total 67 questions