Not all misstatements will be material enough to affect the fair presentation of the financial statement. A material misstatement is one that the auditors determine would change or influence the option of a reasonable person relying on the financial statements for information. Ultimately, auditors must exercise judgment to assess materiality based on the qualitative nature of the misstatements and their quantitative extent. Materiality is also based on auditors' assessment of control risk levels in the organization. The following factors may influence the auditors' assessment of control risk EXCEPT:
Answer : D
One of the largest components of the global derivative markets and natural adjunct to the fixed income markets is the:
Answer : B
A derivative with a convex payoff-profile at some point before the option's maturity is a simple plan vanilla option. As the option becomes progressively more-in-the money, the rate at which the position makes money increases until asympathetically approaches the linear payoff of the future. Similarly, as the option becomes progressively more out-of -- the money, the rate at which the position loses money decreases until that rate becomes zero. This is an example of:
Answer : B
When one buys a cash instrument, for example 100 shares of ABC Inc., the payoff is linear (disregarding the impact of dividends). If share are purchased at $50 and the price appreciated to $75, we have ________ on a mark-to-mark basis.
Answer : A
Guaranteed investment contracts are contracts between:
Answer : B
Annuities can be purchased through the following methods EXCEPT:
Answer : D
The accumulation phase in annuities can last from as long as:
Answer : B