The _____________ Distribution would be the most desirable for modeling the number of stitch defects in a portion of fabric.
Answer : C
Using this data calculate the percentage of DPU.
Data: 763 defects, 18,000 units.
Answer : C
Customers make their decisions based on Features, Integrity (of the seller) Delivery and ___________?
Answer : B
A Process Map is created in order that a Belt can __________________.
Answer : C
Those people who have a interest in the outputs of a process are known as _____________________.
Answer : A
One of the foundations of Lean Six Sigma is the concept that the output of a process (Y) is influenced by the process inputs (X's) and is commonly shown as which formula?
Answer : C
The distance between the Mean of a data set and the Point of Inflection on a Normal curve is called the _______________.
Answer : B