Operations such as the display and update of the UI interface are carried out on the main thread, so the main thread is also called the UI thread.
Answer : A
Suppose that multiple AbilitySlice are associated in MainAbility, and multiple AbilitySlice are switched in the same page, the lifecycle of MainAbility and all AbilitySlice is synchronized.
Answer : B
The input division method of HarmonyOS is different from that of traditional operating systems, and multi-dimensional inputs will be integrated, so that developers can use application frameworks, UI components or interfaces that come with the system to implement applications with multi-dimensional and natural interaction characteristics.
Answer : A
JavaScript FA (Feature Ability) lifecycle events are divided into application lifecycle and page lifecycle.
Answer : A
MATCH_CONTENT indicates that the component size will expand to the maximum allowed by the parent component and occupy the remaining size in the direction of the parent component
Answer : B
When an Intent is used to initiate a request, if both BundleName and Abilitylame are specified, the application can be started directly according to the full name of the Ability (for example, "com.demcapp.FooAbility").
Answer : A
When an engineer packages an application, DevEco Studio will package all the HAP (HarmonyOS Ability Package) modules in the project directory into the application, so if there are HAP modules in the project directory that do not need to be packaged into the application, the tool will automatically delete them and then compile and build the application.
Answer : B