Which of the following options cannot be triggered MAC Certification?
Answer : D
The access control server is the implementer of the corporate security policy, responsible for implementing the corresponding access control in accordance with the security policy formulated by the customer's network(Allow, deny, leave or restrict).
Answer : B
Visitors refer to users who need temporary access to the network at a specific location.
Answer : A
An account can only belong to one user group, that is, a user can only belong to one department.
Answer : A
An account can belong to multiple roles, that is, a user may hold multiple positions.
Answer : A
According to the different user name format and content used by the access device to verify user identity, the user name format used for MAC authentication can be changed.
There are three types. Which of the following formats is not included?
Answer : D
The visitor management process includes page customization, account application, user authentication, audit, and logout. After the user successfully applies for an account, he needs to change.
When the account is distributed to users, what stage does the distribution of the account belong to?
Answer : B