Your organization is managing secrets using GitHub encrypted secrets, including a secret named SuperSecret. As a developer, you need to create a version of that secret that contains a different value for use in a workflow that is scoped to a specific repository named MyRepo. How should you store the secret to access your specific version within your workflow?
Answer : B
To scope a secret to a specific repository, you can create a new secret with a name like MyRepo_SuperSecret in the secrets section of the MyRepo repository's settings. This ensures that the secret is specific to that repository and can be used within its workflows.
You need to trigger a workflow using the GitHub API for activity that happens outside of GitHub. Which workflow event do you use?
Answer : D
The repository_dispatch event allows you to trigger a workflow in response to external activity. It is commonly used when you need to trigger a workflow from outside GitHub, such as from another system or service, by sending a request to the GitHub API. This event provides flexibility to integrate with various external systems and trigger workflows in a GitHub repository.
Which of the following statements are true regarding the use of GitHub Actions on a GitHub Enterprise Server instance? (Choose three.)
Answer : A, D, F
GitHub Actions on GitHub Enterprise Server often requires an internet connection, especially for accessing actions from the GitHub Marketplace or third-party actions unless they are manually synced to the server.
To use third-party actions on GitHub Enterprise Server, GitHub Connect can be used to establish a connection between the server and, enabling access to third-party actions.
Third-party actions can also be manually synchronized to the GitHub Enterprise Server, making them available for use in workflows.
Which workflow event is used to manually trigger a workflow run?
Answer : B
The workflow_dispatch event is used to manually trigger a workflow run in GitHub Actions. You can specify this event in the workflow file to allow users to manually trigger the workflow from the GitHub UI, often with optional input parameters.
Which workflow command would output the debug message "action successfully debugged"?
Answer : C
The ::debug:: syntax is used to output debug messages in GitHub Actions workflows. This command will print the message 'action successfully debugged' in the debug logs when the workflow runs.
What metadata file in a custom action defines the main entry point?
Answer : C
The action.yml file is the metadata file in a custom GitHub Action that defines the main entry point, including information such as the inputs, outputs, description, and the runs key that specifies the main entry point (e.g., a script or a Docker container).
As a developer, you need to make sure that only actions from trusted sources are available for use in your GitHub Enterprise Cloud organization. Which of the following statements are true? (Choose three.)
Answer : A, B, F
You can enable specific actions for the organization by identifying them and providing version control, ensuring only trusted versions are used in workflows.
GitHub-verified actions can be enabled at the enterprise level, providing an extra layer of security by ensuring that only trusted actions are available to workflows.
Actions can be published to an internal marketplace, allowing organizations to share reusable actions securely within their enterprise without exposing them to the public.