Exin SIAM Professional Exam Practice Test

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Total 56 questions
Question 1

ZYX has appointed a service integrator in addition to measunng specific service provider service levels, the ZYX Board of Directors also wants information on end-to-end process KPIs based on business outcomes

The KPIs that the ZYX Board would like are

- End-to-end availability of services supporting sales activity

- End-to-end resolution time for support requests received from users

- Timeliness of invoice production, distribution and payment

How should the service integrator implement these KPIs?

Answer : A

Understanding the Scenario:

ZYX has appointed a service integrator and wants to measure end-to-end process KPIs based on business outcomes.

The desired KPIs include end-to-end availability of services supporting sales, resolution time for support requests, and timeliness of invoice processing.

Analyzing the Options:

Option B: Engaging consultants from SIAMRUS may provide expertise but could be costly and time-consuming.

Option C: Reviewing existing KPIs might not cover all the necessary business outcomes and could miss specific requirements.

Option D: Requesting ZYX to produce data definitions could lead to inconsistencies and may not ensure provider alignment.

Selecting the Optimal Approach:

Option A: Bringing the providers together to map the services and define and agree on the supporting measurements ensures alignment and collaboration. This approach fosters a common understanding and commitment to the KPIs across all providers, facilitating accurate and meaningful measurements.


Collaborative mapping and agreement on KPIs ensure that all providers understand their roles and responsibilities in achieving business outcomes.

This approach aligns with SIAM principles of collaborative governance and integrated service management, ensuring that KPIs are relevant and aligned with business objectives.

Question 2

OUTSCO is in the final 12 months of their contract with ZYXUK, but they would like to be part of the new SIAM model. However, the quality and performance of services ZYXUK receives from OUTSCO is decreasing

In the new SIAM model, service credits will apply to all service providers ZYXUK has never applied service credits to OUTSCO before

What is the best way to increase the performance of OUTSCO?

Answer : C

Understanding the Scenario:

OUTSCO is in the final 12 months of their contract with ZYXUK and wants to be part of the new SIAM model.

The quality and performance of services from OUTSCO are decreasing.

ZYXUK has not applied service credits to OUTSCO before, but service credits will apply in the new SIAM model.

Analyzing the Options:

Option A: Applying service credits for breached SLAs without prior agreement could strain the relationship and may not immediately improve performance.

Option B: Appointing a project manager may help but might not address the underlying causes of performance issues.

Option D: Making ZYXUK develop an improvement plan might be effective but doesn't directly involve OUTSCO in identifying and resolving issues.

Selecting the Optimal Approach:

Option C: Holding reviews between OUTSCO and ZYXUK service delivery managers allows for direct communication and collaboration to identify and address the root causes of performance issues. This approach fosters a cooperative environment and aligns with continuous improvement practices.


Collaborative reviews enable a better understanding of performance issues and facilitate the development of targeted improvement actions.

This approach aligns with ITIL and SIAM principles of continual service improvement and effective stakeholder engagement.

Question 3

ZYX have decided to use the external service integrator structure The ZYX CEO wants to minimize risks to service availability. In order to avoid reliance on single service providers the CEO wants to use four different providers for hosting There will be one service provider for hosting for each of the following countries

- the UK

- Germany

- the Netherlands

- Australia

To provide resilience every application used by ZYX will be hosted by three different hosting service providers

The CEO wants to ensure a rapid introduction of new services and service providers She also wants to ensure that the costs for the service integrator are as low as possible The ZYXH legal team does not want to make the drafting of the contracts more difficult than necessary

It is clear that there is a single structure needed for the service integrator contract

Which contract structure is the most appropriate for ZYX?

Answer : B

Understanding the Scenario:

ZYX wants to minimize risks to service availability by using four different providers for hosting in the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, and Australia.

Each application will be hosted by three different providers to ensure resilience.

The CEO aims for rapid introduction of new services, low costs for the service integrator, and simplified contract drafting.

Analyzing the Options:

Option A: Adopting the same structure for all hosting provider contracts might reduce complexity but doesn't address the requirement for a single contract structure.

Option C: Custom structures for each hosting provider contract would complicate the contract drafting process, going against the legal team's preference.

Option D: Allowing hosting providers to provide their own structure would lead to inconsistencies and difficulties in managing multiple contracts.

Selecting the Optimal Approach:

Option B: Adopting a single structure for all hosting provider contracts ensures consistency, simplifies the management process, and aligns with the legal team's requirement to avoid complexity in contract drafting. It also supports rapid service introduction and cost efficiency by streamlining contract management.


A single contract structure facilitates easier management and integration across different providers, which is critical for maintaining service resilience and availability.

This approach aligns with SIAM principles of consistent and streamlined service integration and management.

Question 4

The outline SIAM model has been determined.

- ZYXS will be the service integrator

- The development teams from ZYXS and ZYXUK will merge to provide application development and support services

- OUTSCO will provide a centralized service desk the wide area network and local area networks

- ZYXD will provide hosting services

- MAILSCO will provide e-mail services

- MOBSCO will provide desktop support for all users

The strategy is to transfer the current services to these named service providers as the legacy contracts expire The CIO wants to ensure that the tooling strategy supports the corporate strategy

What would be the most appropriate tooling strategy*?

Answer : D

Understanding the Scenario:

ZYXS is the service integrator.

Various service providers (ZYXUK, OUTSCO, ZYXD, MAILSCO, MOBSCO) are responsible for different services.

The CIO wants a tooling strategy that supports the corporate strategy.

Analyzing Tooling Requirements:

A single, centralized tool would ensure consistency, integration, and easier management.

Flexibility is needed to accommodate existing tools used by different service providers.

Evaluating Options:

Option A: Interfacing all tools with OUTSCO limits flexibility and may not support the corporate strategy effectively.

Option B: Exclusive use of the QI tool is too restrictive and could lead to resistance from service providers.

Option C: Exclusive use of the ZYXS tool might not be feasible for all providers, especially if they have established tools that are integral to their operations.

Selecting the Optimal Approach:

Option D: Allowing service providers to use the ZYXS tool or interface with it provides a balanced approach. It ensures integration and consistency while offering flexibility for providers to use their established tools, aligning with the corporate strategy for seamless service delivery and support.


This approach aligns with ITIL and SIAM best practices, promoting collaboration, integration, and flexibility in tool usage.

It ensures that the tooling strategy is adaptable, supports the corporate strategy, and facilitates efficient service management across diverse service providers.

Question 5

The planning for NEWGEN has started

- ZYXS will be the service integrator

- OUTSCO will provide application support services

- NETSCO will provide network services.

- PAYSCO is asked to continue to provide payroll services

Users are happy with the services of PAYSCO The contract with PAYSCO has 2 years left to run This is 18 months after the expected completion date ot the implementation of the SIAM model Initial discussions by ZYXS with PAYSCO have indicated that PAYSCO does not want to make any contract changes to support the SIAM model.

Given this constraint what is most likely to be the best method to plan for onboarding PAYSCO?

Answer : B

Understanding the Scenario:

ZYXS will be the service integrator.

OUTSCO, NETSCO, and PAYSCO are the service providers.

PAYSCO provides payroll services and users are satisfied with PAYSCO's services.

The contract with PAYSCO has 2 years remaining, which extends 18 months beyond the SIAM model implementation.

Analyzing Constraints:

PAYSCO is unwilling to modify the existing contract to support the SIAM model.

Evaluating Options:

Option A: Terminating the contract early involves additional costs and may disrupt payroll services, leading to dissatisfaction among users and potential operational risks.

Option C: Renegotiating contracts with NETSCO and OUTSCO to manage PAYSCO indirectly could introduce complexity and might not align with the direct relationship PAYSCO has with ZYXS.

Option D: Waiting for the contract to expire is not feasible as it delays SIAM model implementation and integration benefits for 18 months.

Selecting the Optimal Approach:

Option B: Implementing an interim operating model allows ZYXS to manage PAYSCO within the current contract constraints, ensuring continuity of payroll services and gradual alignment with the SIAM model. This approach maintains user satisfaction and operational stability while working towards full integration.


An interim model provides a practical solution without immediate contractual changes, leveraging existing relationships and ensuring service continuity.

This approach aligns with ITIL and SIAM principles of maintaining service quality and managing supplier relationships effectively during transitions.

Question 6

ZYX has now appointed SIAMRUS as the service integrator and has started to plan and build the new SIAM ecosystem Initially the new SIAM model will be supported by the existing service providers.

In a recent program progress meeting, it was highlighted that the planned Organizational Change Management (OCM) initiative has a high cost

What approach should be taken to ensure that the OCM initiative for the service providers will cost effectively support the transition to SIAM?

Answer : D

Comprehensive OCM Scope:

Including all service providers in the OCM initiative ensures that every stakeholder is aligned with the changes, minimizing resistance and ensuring a smoother transition.

Use of ADKAR Model:

Utilizing a recognized change management model like ADKAR provides a structured approach to managing change.

The ADKAR model focuses on Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, and Reinforcement, which are critical for effective change management.

Understanding Provider Intentions:

Fully understanding the intentions and potential conflicts of interest of large providers like OUTSCO and NETSCO helps tailor the OCM activities appropriately.

Addressing these factors early mitigates risks and ensures cooperation from all parties.

Tailored OCM Activities:

Customizing the OCM activities to suit the characteristics of each service provider ensures relevance and effectiveness.

Tailoring the approach helps in controlling costs by focusing efforts where they are most needed and avoiding unnecessary expenses.

Cost-Effective Transition:

A well-planned and tailored OCM initiative ensures that the transition to the new SIAM model is cost-effective and achieves the desired outcomes.

SIAM Professional Body of Knowledge (BoK), Chapter on Organizational Change Management

ITIL 4: Create, Deliver and Support (CDS), Section on Change Management

SIAM Professional Body of Knowledge (BoK), Chapter on Organizational Change Management

ITIL 4: Direct, Plan and Improve (DPI), Section on Managing Organizational Change

Question 7

When planning for the NEWGEN project which is the most likely set of audit findings and recommendations?

Answer : D

Current Situation:

ZYX utilizes numerous services and service providers, leading to complexity and potential inefficiencies.

Consolidation under SIAM:

Consolidating services and providers under a standard SIAM model simplifies management, improves coordination, and enhances service quality.

A standardized approach ensures consistency, better integration, and streamlined processes.

SIAMRUS Proposal:

SIAMRUS's standard SIAM model offers a structured and proven methodology for managing multiple service providers.

Implementing this model helps ZYX achieve rapid and efficient service integration, facilitating the introduction of new services and providers.

Benefits of Consolidation:

Reduces complexity and operational overhead.

Enhances visibility and control over the service ecosystem.

Improves the ability to meet contractual obligations and service levels.

SIAM Professional Body of Knowledge (BoK), Chapter on Service Provider Consolidation

ITIL 4: Drive Stakeholder Value (DSV), Section on Service Provider Management

SIAM Professional Body of Knowledge (BoK), Chapter on Service Provider Integration

ITIL 4: Drive Stakeholder Value (DSV), Section on Sourcing and Supplier Management

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Total 56 questions