Exin ASM Agile Scrum Master Exam Practice Test

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Total 230 questions
Question 1

Eisa is a Project Manager of a team that is currently not yet self-managing. Elsa selects tasks that play to the strengths of her team members. The team is fun and highly productive.

Sanjit is a Developer Whenever issues arise the team members ask Sanjit what they should do. He has a dominant personality finds it easy to make decisions and he is not too often wrong. The other team members find. It easier to let him decide than argue even if they have other and sometimes better ideas. They avoid discussions as a team

The company now wants to adopt Scrum Elsa is trained and will become the new Scrum Master She will have to make sure the team becomes self-managing

What is the test way for Elsa to create a self-managing team?

Answer : D

Question 2

A Scrum team has work-in-progress limits (WiP-limits) on their Kanban board. They also use blocker tickets to indicate a task that cannot move forward. Once the team has solved the blocker ticket they save it for later use. How can blocker tickets best be used after they are solved?

Answer : D

Question 3

The separate roles in Scrum are accountable and responsible tor different things. One of the roles is accountable for promoting quality by adhering to a definition of done (DoD)

Which role is accountable?

Answer : A

Question 4

In Scrum, it is advised to keep Scrum teams relatively small. The reason is that smaller teams are more productive. Why are smaller teams generally more productive?

Answer : A

Question 5

A company is transitioning to working with Scrum Adnana was working as the project manager but will now take on the role of Scrum Master She will be working with new co-workers In the Scrum team

Which project management activity or activities will Adnana keep doing as the Scrum Master of the new team?

Answer : A

Question 6

What is the recommended size of a Development Team?

Answer : C

Question 7

Which of the following items is not time-boxed?

Answer : D

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Total 230 questions