Chloe is a forensic examiner who is currently cracking hashed passwords for a crucial mission and hopefully solve the case. She is using a lookup table used for recovering a plain text password from cipher text; it contains word list and brute-force list along with their computed hash values. Chloe Is also using a graphical generator that supports SHA1.
a. What password technique is being used?
b. What tool is Chloe using?
Answer : D
Which of the following malware targets Android mobile devices and installs a backdoor that remotely installs applications from an attacker-controlled server?
Answer : D
Which of the following Windows event logs record events related to device drives and hardware changes?
Answer : B
Which "Standards and Criteria" under SWDGE states that "the agency must use hardware and software that are appropriate and effective for the seizure or examination procedure"?
Answer : D
Storage location of Recycle Bin for NTFS file systems (Windows Vista and later) is located at:
Answer : C
To which phase of the computer forensics investigation process does "planning and budgeting of a forensics lab" belong?
Answer : C
"No action taken by law enforcement agencies or their agents should change data held on a computer or storage media which may subsequently be relied upon in court" - this principle Is advocated by which of the following?
Answer : A