If the SIEM generates the following four alerts at the same time:
1. Firewall blocking traffic from getting into the network alerts
II. SQL injection attempt alerts
III. Data deletion attempt alerts
IV. Brute-force attempt alerts
Which alert should be given least priority as per effective alert triaging?
Answer : D
John, SOC analyst wants to monitor the attempt of process creation activities from any of their Windows endpoints.
Which of following Splunk query will help him to fetch related logs associated with process creation?
Answer : B
Robin, a SOC engineer in a multinational company, is planning to implement a SIEM. He realized that his organization is capable of performing only Correlation, Analytics, Reporting, Retention, Alerting, and Visualization required for the SIEM implementation and has to take collection and aggregation services from a Managed Security Services Provider (MSSP).
What kind of SIEM is Robin planning to implement?
Answer : D
Which of the following tool is used to recover from web application incident?
Answer : A
Which of the following fields in Windows logs defines the type of event occurred, such as Correlation Hint, Response Time, SQM, WDI Context, and so on?
Answer : A
Which of the following Windows Event Id will help you monitors file sharing across the network?
Answer : C
Jane, a security analyst, while analyzing IDS logs, detected an event matching Regex /((\%3C)|<)((\%69)|i|(\% 49))((\%6D)|m|(\%4D))((\%67)|g|(\%47))[^\n]+((\%3E)|>)/|.
What does this event log indicate?
Answer : C
%253C)%7C<)((%5C%2569)%7Ci%7C(%5C%2549))((%5C%256D)%7Cm%7C(%5C%254D))((%5C% 2567)%7Cg%7C(%5C%2547))%5B%5E%5Cn%5D%2B((%5C%253E)%7C>)/%
7C&source=bl&ots=kOBHNfJmtq&sig=ACfU3U2CG_hELc1HMb1chdc9OS4ooXPlMg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ah UKEwjYwJmlt_buAhUFShUIHTBNAs8Q6AEwBXoECAUQAw#v=onepage&q&f=false