Certification once granted, will be valid for period of _______ years subject to surveillance assessments.
Answer : C
The assessor organization can issue the DSCI certification to the assessee organization if it is satisfied with the assessment outcome.
Answer : A
The entire assessment process, from commencement to submission of final report to DSCI must be completed within 2 weeks.
Answer : B
Classify the following scenario as major or minor non-conformity.
''The organization has a very mature information security policy. Lately, the organization has realized the need to focus on protection of PI. A formal PI identification exercise was done for this purpose and a mapping of PI and security controls was done. The organization has also put in place data masking technology in certain functions where the SPI was accessed by employees of a third party. However, the organization is yet to include PI specifically in its risk assessment exercise, incident management, testing, data classification and security architecture programs.''
Answer : C
__________ layer of the DSCI Privacy Framework (DPF) ensures that adequate level of awareness exists in an organization.
Answer : B
'Map the legal and compliance requirements to each data element that an organization is dealing with in all of its business processes, enterprise and operational functions, and client relationships.' This an imperative of which DPF practice area?
Answer : D
Following aspects can serve as inputs to a privacy organization for ensuring privacy protection:
I) Privacy related incidents detected/reported
II) Contractual obligations
III) Organization's exposure to personal information
IV) Regulatory requirements
Answer : C