The Kubernetes yaml shown below describes a networkPolicy.
Will the networkPolicy BLOCK this trafftc?
Solution. a request issued from a pod bearing only the tier: frontend label, to a pod bearing the tier: backend label
Will this sequence of steps completely delete an image from disk in the Docker Trusted Registry?
Solution. Delete the image and remove permissions to the repository in the Docker
Trusted Registry.
Your organization has a centralized logging solution, such as Splunk.
Will this configure a Docker container to export container logs to the logging solution?
Solution. docker run -- log driver=splunk for every container at run time
Answer : A
docker run --log-driver=splunk --log-opt splunk-token=176fabb6-7811-4b3a-8ba0-4d49302e50f2 --log-opt splunk-url= ...
Set the logging driver for the Docker daemon
Does this describe the role of Control Groups (cgroups) when used with a Docker container?
Solution: isolation between resources used by containers
Seven managers are in a swarm cluster.
Is this how should they be distributed across three datacenters or availability zones?
Solution: 4-2-1
Is this statement correct?
Solution: A Dockerfile stores the Docker daemon's configuration options.
An application image runs in multiple environments, with each environment using different certificates and ports.
Is this a way to provision configuration to containers at runtime?
Solution: Create images that contain the specific configuration for every environment.