Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Scientist Databricks Certified Professional Data Scientist Exam Practice Test
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Question 1
Which of the following is a Continuous Probability Distributions?
Answer : D
Question 2
Consider flipping a coin for which the probability of heads is p, where p is unknown, and our goa is to estimate p. The obvious approach is to count how many times the coin came up heads and divide by the total number of coin flips. If we flip the coin 1000 times and it comes up heads 367 times, it is very reasonable to estimate p as approximately 0.367. However, suppose we flip the coin only twice and we get heads both times. Is it reasonable to estimate p as 1.0? Intuitively, given that we only flipped the coin twice, it seems a bit
rash to conclude that the coin will always come up heads, and____________is a way of avoiding such rash
Answer : B
Question 3
Suppose there are three events then which formula must always be equal to P(E1|E2,E3)?
Answer : B
Question 4
Question-18. What is the best way to ensure that the k-means algorithm will find a good clustering of a collection of vectors?
Answer : D
Question 5
A data scientist wants to predict the probability of death from heart disease based on three risk factors: age, gender, and blood cholesterol level. What is the most appropriate method for this project?
Answer : C
Question 6
Which activity is performed in the Operationalize phase of the Data Analytics Lifecycle?
Answer : A
Question 7
As a data scientist consultant at ABC Corp, you are working on a recommendation engine for the learning resources for end user. So Which recommender system technique benefits most from additional user preference data?
Answer : B
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/ 14 Total 138 questions
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