Confluent CCDAK Certified Developer for Apache Kafka Exam Practice Test

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Total 150 questions
Question 1

What's is true about Kafka brokers and clients from version 0.10.2 onwards?

Answer : C

Kafka's new bidirectional client compatibility introduced in 0.10.2 allows this. Read more here

Question 2

How will you set the retention for the topic named my-topic to 1 hour?

Answer : C can be configured at topic level while creating topic or by altering topic. It shouldn't be set at the broker level ( as this would impact all the topics in the cluster, not just the one we are interested in

Question 3

A consumer has auto.offset.reset=latest, and the topic partition currently has data for offsets going from 45 to 2311. The consumer group never committed offsets for the topic before. Where will the consumer read from?

Answer : A

Latest means that data retrievals will start from where the offsets currently end

Question 4

Where are KSQL-related data and metadata stored?

Answer : A

metadata is stored in and built from the KSQL command topic. Each KSQL server has its own in-memory version of the metastore.

Question 5

What is a generic unique id that I can use for messages I receive from a consumer?

Answer : B

(Topic,Partition,Offset) uniquely identifies a message in Kafka

Question 6

What happens if you write the following code in your producer? producer.send(producerRecord).get()

Answer : B

Using Future.get() to wait for a reply from Kafka will limit throughput.

Question 7

Suppose you have 6 brokers and you decide to create a topic with 10 partitions and a replication factor of 3. The brokers 0 and 1 are on rack A, the brokers 2 and 3 are on rack B, and the brokers 4 and 5 are on rack C. If the leader for partition 0 is on broker 4, and the first replica is on broker 2, which broker can host the last replica? (select two)

Answer : B, E

When you create a new topic, partitions replicas are spreads across racks to maintain availability. Hence, the Rack A, which currently does not hold the topic partition, will be selected for the last replica

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Total 150 questions