Consider the following code:
What change if any needs to be made for a "Thank you" message to appear when the checkout page is loaded?
Answer : C
Which of the following is a benefit of using a predefined library, such as JQuery?
Answer : B
Consider this source code:
Giam needs to write a script to access the first element in the source code. What code should he use?
Answer : C
Kirken needs to write a script to construct custom objects that store user account information such as a username. password and e-mail address for a Web site. What should he add to the following code to set these properties?
Answer : C
Marshall's computer previously contracted malware because he unknowingly clicked on an infected link in a pop-up window. What can he do to secure the Web browser so that he is protected in the future?
Answer : C
Ashton need to write out the items in any array as a list, with their array index number followed by their value. Which block of code will accomplish this?
Answer : A
What is the expected result when executing the following scripts in a web browser?
Answer : A