Which of the following will you put into box 5?
Answer : A
The correct answers are as follows:
CSR= Corporate Social Responsibility
Which of the following will you put into box 5?
Answer : D
The correct answers are as follows:
Standardised payment terms would help with cashflow. For example every client must pay within 30 days.
Which of the following will you put into box 5?
Answer : C
The correct answers are as follows:
A force majeure clause within a contract would allow XWY to end any contracts it is unable to fulfil without repercussions if an earthquake were to strike.
Which of the following will you put into box 5?
Answer : B
The correct answers are as follows:
Cashflow issues can lead to serious financial problems and the company going bust. Therefore this risk must be treated.
Which of the following will you put into box 5?
Answer : D
The correct answers are as follows:
Which of the following will you put into box 5?
Answer : B
The correct answers are as follows:
What is the purpose of a Disaster Recovery Plan?
Answer : A
A Disaster Recovery Plan is to get critical systems operational following an emergency. This is implemented hours after the event. Option 2 describes Incident Response and Option 3 describes a Business Continuity Plan. Option 4 is made up. These definitions and the timeline of when they're activated is on p.108 of the study guide