Which of the following are most likely to be substantive elements of the specification of a truck? Select TWO that apply:
Answer : A, C
The key substantive elements to be included in a specification are:
- Characteristics of the product or service
- Time scale for delivery
- Response times for defects
- KPIs relating to performance and reliability
- Lifespan and durability expectations
- Documentary requirement for training/user manual and/or management information
- Any specific requirements regarding implementation
LO 2, AC 2.1
Which of the following should include in the service level agreement that is an appendix of a contract?
1. How often the service is measured
2. Minimum qualification of supplier staffs
3. Remedies to resolve dispute
4. On time service delivery
Answer : D
When the SLA is a schedule or an appendix to the contract, it should clearly state the following:
1. KPIs: how they are to be measured, who measures them and how often
2. How the measurements convert into scores
3. Any other service level standards, which may be of lesser importance than the KPIs
4. Minimum acceptable standards or scores in each case
5. Range of scores both above and below the minimum acceptable
6. Any mitigating factors which might apply in the event of poor performance
7. Any time period permitted in which to remedy a situation or poor performance.
In this question, '2. Minimum qualification of supplier staffs' and '4. On time service delivery' are the KPIs, while '1. How often the service is measured' is the frequency in which the KPIs are measured.
The remedies available in the event of poor performance should be set out in the body of the contract, along with those for any other contractual breach. These clauses should be cross-referenced in the SLA.
LO 2, AC 2.2
Nestle gave away records of ''Rockin' Shoes'' or a voucher to people who sent in three wrappers from Nestle's 6d. milk chocolate bars as well as 1s 6d. Which of the following were the consideration of Nestle's customer? Select TWO that apply
Answer : A, B
Consideration is one thing given in exchange for another.
In this case, considerations of customers are three wrappers and 1s6d. Consideration of Nestle is Rockin' Shoes record or a voucher.
LO 1, AC 1.2
Social and environmental criteria are often incorporated into which of the following type of specification?
Answer : D
Developing and using generic specifications is as import in the sustainable procurement process as it is in the traditional procurement process. During this stage, human/labour rights and environmental performance criteria should be translated into specifications that meet specific requirements of the specified outcome, desired by the procurement action.
The specification stage is key to all types of contract. Building in environmental and social considerations at this early stage, provides a clear indication to suppliers that sustainability is important to the UN organization. Consider available alternatives which are less environmentally and socially damaging. Consider all the phases of a product's life cycle (e.g. production, transportation, maintenance, disposal, etc) when determining its cost and environmental impact. Assess the overall environmental and social integrity of suppliers by looking at their policies and practices.
Specifications which are output-based rather than input-based can increase supplier innovation, reduce waste and minimise harmful social and environmental impacts.
- Sustainable Procurement
- CIPS study guide page 95-99
LO 2, AC 2.1
Carillion Ltd is a major construction contractor in the UK. The company commits to continuous improvement and sets out a performance management program that is integrated across the organisational, individual, and supplier levels. To ensure that the suppliers acknowledge the program, every time negotiating the contract terms with suppliers, the procurement team of Carillion appends a performance management framework to the draft document as a schedule. Is the action of procurement team appropriate?
Answer : C
Performance management framework often consists of KPIs, targets and consequences that arise from achieved scores. To ensure that the framework has binding effect on contracting parties, it should be developed, appended to the main contract document and agreed by both parties. So the answer should be 'Yes, because the framework should have legal standing as a part of contract'.
LO 1, AC 1.1
Which of the following standards gives guidance on the layout and preparation of specifications?
Answer : D
BS 7373-1:2001 Product specifications. Guide to preparation gives guidance on layout, preparation and management. The subject has been treated in a generic way and guidance can be used in the preparation of all types.
BS 5864:2019 is the standard for installation and maintenance of gas-fired ducted air heaters of rated heat input not exceeding 70 kW net (2nd and 3rd family gases). Specification
BS 5975:2019 is the standard for code of practice for temporary works procedures and the permissible stress design of falsework.
BS EN 60601-1-11:2015 is the standard for medical electrical equipment. General requirements for basic safety and essential performance. Collateral Standard: Requirements for medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems used in the home healthcare environment.
- BSI website
- CIPS study guide page 90-92
LO 2, AC 2.1
Sally places a purchase order to the supplier for some components that her company requires. The supplier delivers the goods as she asks, but the quality assurance team finds that these components are defective and unfit for the company's operations. Which document is the ground to decide whether the goods received are fit for purpose?
Answer : D
According to USLegal Inc, fitness for purpose refers to the standard that must be met by a seller in the course of a business. Generally, when a buyer makes known to a seller the particular purpose for which the goods are bought, there is an implied condition that the goods are reasonably fit for that purpose (customer's requirements, needs, or desires). Specification is the ground for deciding whether goods received are fit for purpose.
We already know that there are two types of specifications: conformance and performance specifications. With conformance specification, the buyer lists out technical requirements to which the goods must conform. Lacking of any requirement may be enough for the goods to be unfit. On the other hand, if performance specification is in use, the goods must be fit for specific outputs that buyer has listed in the specification.
Providing the 'fit for purpose' goods is one of the fundamental obligations of seller in sale contract. Unfulfilling this obligation would lead to legal consequences. If the goods are unfit for purpose, seller may have to:
- replace the non-conforming goods
- pay the damages to the buyer
- Why you should keep attention to the specification when contracting with suppliers
- CIPS study guide page 137
LO 3, AC 3.1