Standard IV of the Standards of Professional Conduct deals with Relationships with and Responsibilities to ________.
Answer : B
Complete the following: According to The Code of Ethics, members of AIMR shall: "Act with ________, competence, dignity and in an ethical manner when dealing with the public, clients, prospects, employers, employees and fellow members."
Answer : D
Under what conditions is Standard II (B)- Professional Misconduct violated?
I . The member is convicted of a misdemeanor.
II . The member regularly engages in unprofessional but legal behavior.
III . The member engages in dishonest activities that do not result in criminal conviction. IV . The member is convicted of a felony.
Answer : A
________ establishes the fiduciary principles for U.S. corporate pension plans.
Answer : C
ERISA fiduciaries must adhere to the following prudent procedures:
- establish a written investment policy for the plan
- diversify plan assets
- make investment decisions with the skill and care of a ________
- monitor investment performance
- control investment expenses
- avoid prohibited transactions
Answer : C
Each ________ needs to comprise portfolios or asset classes that represent a similar investment goal.
Answer : B
With regard to real estate, all properties must be included in at least one ________.
Answer : C