APMG-International Agile Project Management (AgilePM) Practitioner Exam Practice Test

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Total 78 questions
Question 1

Which 2 actions should the Team Leader take to implement the new Must

Have requirement?

Answer : B, C

Question 2

Which 2 actions should the Workshop Facilitator take to implement the new

Must Have requirement?

Answer : B, E

Question 3

Which 2 actions should the Technical Coordinator take to implement the new

Must Have requirement?

Answer : A, E

To implement the new Must Have requirement for financial transaction functionality on the coffee shop insurance product website, the Technical Coordinator should focus on actions that align with their role in overseeing the technical aspects of the project. The following actions are most appropriate for the Technical Coordinator:

Selected Actions for the Technical Coordinator:

A . Ensure that the latest version of the website design in the Solution Architecture Definition is provided to all members of the Solution Development Team.

E . Check for any documented standards which need to be applied to the development of online financial transaction functionality.

A . It's crucial for the Technical Coordinator to ensure that the Solution Development Team has access to the most current website design specifications, especially when new functionalities are being added. This ensures consistency and alignment with the overall solution architecture, facilitating effective and efficient development.

E . The Technical Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that all technical aspects of the project adhere to relevant standards, including those related to online financial transactions. This involves identifying, understanding, and applying any necessary regulatory, security, and technical standards to the development process, ensuring compliance and functionality.

Why Other Actions Are Less Suitable:

B . Assessing the impact on the original Business Case is typically the responsibility of the Business Sponsor or Project Manager, as it involves financial and strategic considerations beyond the Technical Coordinator's primary focus.

C . Adding tasks to the Timebox Plan is generally a responsibility shared between the Project Manager and the Solution Development Team, with the Technical Coordinator providing input on technical feasibility and requirements.

D . Consolidating and circulating an agenda for the workshop is an important logistical task but may not directly fall under the Technical Coordinator's responsibilities. This task is often handled by the Project Manager or a designated administrative role.

Question 4

Which 2 actions should the Project Manager take to implement the new Must

Have requirement?

Answer : B, C

To effectively implement the new Must Have requirement for financial transaction functionality on the coffee shop insurance product website, the Project Manager should focus on actions that align with their role in planning, execution, and team coordination. The following actions are most appropriate for the Project Manager:

Selected Actions for the Project Manager:

B . Add the tasks required to develop the new financial transaction functionality to the Delivery Plan.

C . Update the Delivery Plan to show the new financial transaction functionality as a deliverable.

B . Integrating the tasks necessary for developing the new functionality into the Delivery Plan is crucial. This ensures that all project activities are accounted for and scheduled, which helps in managing the project's timeline and resources effectively.

C . Reflecting the new financial transaction functionality as a deliverable in the Delivery Plan is important for clarity and focus. It signifies the inclusion of this functionality as a critical component of the project's scope, guiding the team's efforts and priorities.

Why Other Actions Are Less Suitable:

A . While ensuring adherence to documented standards is important, it is typically a collaborative effort involving the Technical Coordinator and Solution Development team, in addition to the Project Manager, to ensure technical compliance.

D . Sourcing and hiring specific expertise, such as a web developer skilled in online financial transactions, is indeed part of the Project Manager's responsibilities. However, the actions related to the Delivery Plan (options B and C) are more directly aligned with the immediate steps for implementing a new requirement in the project's scope.

E . Consolidating and circulating an agenda for the workshop is a logistical task that the Project Manager might oversee or delegate. However, the actions related to planning and updating the Delivery Plan are more critical to the successful implementation of the new requirement.

Question 5

An external web developer is to be contracted to create the new coffee bar

insurance area on the existing web site. The chosen web developer will only

agree to work on a 'fixed price for a fixed specification' contract.

What action should the Project Manager take?

Answer : D

Dividing the work into smaller, well-defined component parts is a strategic approach when dealing with fixed-price contracts within an Agile framework. This method allows for greater flexibility and adaptability, as each component can be specified in detail, making it clear what the external web developer is responsible for delivering. This approach aligns with Agile principles by enabling incremental development and delivery, allowing for adjustments and refinements to be made as the project progresses and more information becomes available.

In Agile Project Management, particularly when incorporating external resources or contractors, breaking down the project into smaller, manageable parts is a common practice. This not only facilitates better control and tracking of progress but also ensures that the project remains adaptable, with the capacity to respond to changes in requirements or priorities. This approach is in line with Agile methodologies that emphasize iterative development, customer collaboration, and responding to change over following a fixed plan.

Question 6

Which 2 statements explain why the Contract Architect would be an appropriate Technical Co-ordinator?

Answer : B, D

The two statements that explain why the Contract Architect would be an appropriate Technical Coordinator are:

B . Has good leadership skills. D. Has a good, technical understanding of the work of the other professionals engaged in the project.


* B: Good leadership skills are essential for a Technical Coordinator, as they must lead the technical aspects of the project, manage the work of other professionals, and ensure that all technical activities are aligned with the project goals.

* D: A deep technical understanding of the work of other professionals involved in the project is crucial for a Technical Coordinator. This knowledge allows them to effectively coordinate various technical disciplines and ensure that the technical solutions meet the project's needs.

Being an external consultant (A) or an authority on local planning applications (E) might be beneficial but do not inherently qualify someone for the role of Technical Coordinator. Previous experience with the company (C) can be helpful but is not a defining reason for suitability in the Technical Coordinator role within an Agile team.

Question 7

Which 2 statements explain why the Architecture Angels' Operations Director would be an appropriate Business Advisor?

Answer : A, C

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Total 78 questions