App ID is a unique ID number assigned to your apps when they're added to AdMob. The app ID is used to identify your apps.
Answer : A
You should add the following XML code illustrated in the following image to AdView widget in order to add an Ad to your activity:
Which choice of the following can be an attribute value of ads:adSize=''BANNER'' in this code?
Answer : A
When you configure your app to receive adds from Ad mediation, you should add the following code:
android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version"/> Which of the following files you should add this code to?
Answer : B
Which of the following choices is correct about the types of ads you allow to be shown to app users? (Select three)
Answer : A, B, D
What is the name of the missing part of the following image?
Answer : C
A wireframe is a static, low-fidelity representation of your product, and in the world of mobile design, a basic guideline of your app -- the skeletal framework -- for both designers and developers to follow.
Answer : A
Which of the choices below describes the following sentence:
These wireframes help a project team collaborate more effectively since they are more abstract, using rectangles and labeling to represent the app content.
Answer : A