What does the following code snippet do?
Answer : C
Assume you were given the code of an Android app that include a Google Map. When you checked the apps code, you found the following: var locationMangaer: LocationManager?=null var locationUstener: LocationListener?=null Which of the following is true about this app?
Answer : A
The following Android code locates Toronto CN tower on Google map using on the latitude and longitude coordinates. Which of the following choices is the correct choice to show your Google map in the zoom-in state?
Answer : A
The following image displays an Android notification labeled with the responsible to configure each part of it. Which of the following choices sets the Android notification title?
Answer : D
The following image includes Android code for a WebView widget (ID: MyWebView) to work as a web browser for the URL: http://www.androidatc.com. When you run this code, the app does not open the www.androidatc.com web site. Which step is still missing to open this web site through this app?
Answer : C
The code snippet below displays a menu which is illustrated in another image. The emulator image displays a menu that contains three items, but in the code file none of these menu items are available. Where do these items come from?
Answer : B
The following image includes Android code for creating a Date Picker. The date will appear in TextView which has id: dateText. Which of the following choices is correct about why you must add T to the month as illustrated in the code highlighted in brown?
Answer : A