American Bankers Association Certified Regulatory Compliance Manager Exam Practice Test

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Total 463 questions
Question 1

For which of the following is a bank most likely to be in danger of receiving a cease and desist order?

Answer : D

Question 2

The manager of Main Street branch calls and relates the following information: John Smith purchased a cashier's check for $1,000 cash at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday. At 11:30 a.m. Mr. Smith returned and purchased a cashier's check for $2,500 cash and deposited traveler's checks totaling $9,000 into his checking account. At 4:00 p.m. Mr. Smith returned and deposited $8,000 cash into his checking account. This deposit was after normal banking hours, so it was recorded as of Wednesday's business date. What action should the bank take?

Answer : D

Question 3

For how long must a bank keep records of transactions involving currency in amounts greater than $10,000?

Answer : C

Question 4

Mrs. Evans, a customer of First National Bank, deposits $15,000 in cash to her account. During the transaction, Mrs. Evans explains that she received the money in the mail from her sister in Europe. What responsibility does the bank have?

Answer : D

Question 5

First National Bank has several exempt customers.

* Alpha is an exempt person because its stock is listed on a major stock exchange.

* Beta is an exempt person because it meets the nonlisted customer requirements.

* Zeta is exempt because it is a payroll customer. For which customer(s) must the bank conduct an annual review to determine its continuing eligibility to be exempt from CTR filings?

Answer : D

Question 6

Which of the following is NOT a requirement when a bank pays an employee a fee for referring a high-net-worth or institutional customer to a broker?

Answer : D

Question 7

Which of the following is a high-net-worth customer?

Answer : C

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Total 463 questions