If Server Guard (product provided by Alibaba Cloud) report some brute force password hacking
attacks, the reporting information will include (the number of correct answers: 3)
Answer : C, D, E
Each host connecting to internet will face the potential attacks from internet as follows : ( the numbers of correct answers : 3)
Answer : A, B, D
In order to stop the service provided through a particular port in Windows OS, which
of the following methods can be used to achieve this objective? (the number of correct
answers: 3)
Answer : A, B, D
ECS cloud server is one of the service provided by Alibaba Cloud. If it is attacked by
some internet hacker, which of the following consequences such attack could cause? (the
number of correct answers: 2)
Answer : B, C
Which of the following products won't be a DDOS attack target?
Answer : A
Which of the following methods can't be used against CC attack?
Answer : B
Which of the following options could NOT be the reason that causes website
Answer : B