Alibaba ACA System Operator Certification Exam Practice Test

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Total 62 questions
Question 1

When using Alibaba Cloud CDN, a visitor's request will first be routed to a CDN edge node, and in the event of a cache miss at this edge node, the node will fetch data from the origin site (back-to-source request). Even with this redirection, it is possible for the origin site to see the visitor's real IP address. Which of the following statements about obtaining the visitor's real IP address are correct? (Number of correct answers: 2)

A visitor's real IP address can only be obtained by modifying the site or web application.

Answer : B, C

Question 2

Which of the following descriptions of the principles of Alibaba Cloud SSL certificate private key protection is correct?

Answer : D

Question 3

A developer needs to use some sensitive business data and operational data in the process of developing a program, but the data should be protected (encrypted or anonymized) as much as possible. In order to facilitate and secure management of data encryption keys, the developer can use Alibaba Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) envelope encryption technology. Which of these statements is NOT correct, regarding KMS?

Answer : A, B, C

Question 4

Which of the following web applications are suitable for deployment on Simple Application Server (SAS), as compared with ECS? (Number of correct answers: 3)

Question 5

Which of the following statements about ECS Snapshot is NOT correct?

Answer : D

You can create a custom image from a snapshot that contains the operating system and data of an ECS instance. Then, you can use the custom image to create multiple instances that have identical application environments.

Question 6

Which database utility is suitable for database migration?

Question 7

Which configuration language does Terraform support?

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Total 62 questions