Adobe AD0-E704 Adobe Certified Master Magento Commerce Architect Exam Practice Test

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Total 89 questions
Question 1

You are working on a project with a large database with many products, sales rules and CMS pages. The merchant is going to use Magento_Staging for scheduled updates, but they were told that use of Staging will modify all SQL queries and slow down website performance.

What modification does Magento_Staging make to existing SQL queries?

Answer : D

Question 2

On a merchant website you inherit an extension that allows customers to rate products. The extension adds two integer attributes to store the rating values, avg_rating and rating_count. The merchant reports an issue that the displayed average is lower than it should be. You determine you need to change the avg_rating attribute backend typetodecim to fix the issue.

In your module's Data Patch script, which three steps do you take to change the attribute backend type?






Answer : B, C, E

Question 3

You are working on a module MyCompany_MyModule which adds a select attribute with a few options using the \Magento\Eav\Setup\EavSetup: :addAttribute() method in data in data install script.

There is no uninstall script. While debugging, you have uninstalled the module with the command:

bin magento module:uninstall MyCompany_MyModule

Then you reinstalled the module. What will be the effect on the attribute?

Answer : A

Question 4

The merchant asked you to implement an order review step on the checkout after the payment step. Which problem do you need to resolve?

Answer : D

Question 5

You are creating a module lo enable customers to attach an image file to the quote items while adding a product to the cart. To save development time, you want to build on top of functionality provided by the class \Magento\Catalog\Model\ImageUploader as much as possible.

The class constructor signature is:

What do you do to process the uploaded file?

Answer : D

Question 6

A merchant is planning to create a single scheduled update for one million products. They are wondering about website performance. What two performance issues will the update cause?

Answer : A, B

Question 7

After the installation of several 3rd-party extensions to the merchant's store, it was noticed the admin panel authentication consistently fails with the credentials used before. Where do you start debugging to understand why the authentication is failing?

Answer : D

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Total 89 questions