AAPC CPC Certified Professional Coder (CPC) Exam Practice Test

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Total 100 questions
Question 1

Dr. Burns sees newborn baby James at the birthing center on the same day after the cesarean delivery. Dr. Burns examined baby James, the maternal and newborn history, ordered appropriate blood test tests and hearing screening. He met with the family at the end of the exam.

How would Dr. Bums report his services?

Answer : B

Dr. Burns is providing initial hospital or birthing center care for the evaluation and management of a normal newborn infant. CPT code 99460 is used to report initial hospital or birthing center care, per day, for evaluation and management of a normal newborn infant. This includes a comprehensive history, examination, and medical decision-making. The description of the service provided fits this CPT code accurately. Reference: CPT Professional Edition (current year), AMA.

Question 2

A patient with a history of chronic venous embolism in the inferior vena cava has a radiographic study to visualize any abnormalities. In outpatient surgery the physician accesses the subclavian vein and the catheter is advanced to the inferior vena cava for injection and imaging. The supervision and interpretation of the images is performed by the physician.

What codes are reported for this procedure?

Answer : C

For the procedure involving access to the subclavian vein and advancing a catheter to the inferior vena cava for injection and imaging, the following codes are used:

36010 for the catheter placement.

75825-26 for the supervision and interpretation of the imaging.

Modifier -26 indicates the professional component of the radiological supervision and interpretation.

AMA's CPT Professional Edition (current year)

ICD-10-CM (current year)

Question 3

Mr. Roland has difficulty breathing and congestion with a productive cough. The physician takes frontal and lateral view chest X-rays in the office (the equipment is owned by the physician group). The physician reads the X-rays and determines a diagnosis of walking pneumoni

a. The physician's interpretation is placed in the patient's chart.

How does the physician bill for the chest X-ray?

Answer : D

For a physician who owns the equipment and interprets the chest X-rays (both frontal and lateral views), code 71046 is used. This code includes both the technical and professional components, as the equipment is owned by the physician group and the physician also provides the interpretation.

AMA's CPT Professional Edition (current year)

ICD-10-CM (current year)

Question 4

A diagnostic mammogram is performed on the left and right breasts. Computer-aided detection is also used to further analyze the image for possible lesions.

What CPT coding is reported for this radiology service?

Answer : B

A diagnostic mammogram performed on both breasts with computer-aided detection (CAD) is reported with CPT code 77066. This code is used when CAD is utilized to further analyze the images for possible lesions, and it covers both breasts.

AMA's CPT Professional Edition (current year)

Question 5

A 47-year-old female presents to the operating room for a partial corpectomy on one upper thoracic vertebral body, T3. Two surgeons are performing the surgery. One surgeon performs the transthoracic approach and excises the damaged portion of the vertebral body. The second surgeon inserts a bone graft into the vertebral gap, closing the gap, and inserts a metal plate. Both surgeons work together, each as a primary surgeon.

How does each surgeon report their portion of the surgery?

Answer : B

For this scenario, two surgeons are working together, each as a primary surgeon. Therefore, the correct coding requires the use of the modifier -62, which indicates co-surgeons.

The transthoracic approach to excise the damaged portion of the vertebral body is coded with 63087.

The insertion of the bone graft and metal plate is coded with 63088.

Both codes are appended with modifier -62 to indicate that two surgeons worked together as primary surgeons on this case.

AMA's CPT Professional Edition (current year)

ICD-10-CM (current year)

HCPCS Level II (current year)

Question 6

Patient has esotropia of the right eye and presents to operating suite for strabismus surgery. The physician resects the medial rectus horizontal and lateral rectus muscles of the eye and secures them with adjustable sutures. Extensive scar tissue is noted, due to a previous surgery involving an extraocular muscle. Extraocular muscle is isolated, and the muscle is freed from surrounding scar tissues.

What CPT codes are reported for this surgery?

Answer : A

Esotropia of the right eye: Indicates strabismus surgery is required.

Resection of medial rectus horizontal and lateral rectus muscles: Specific muscles addressed during the surgery.

Adjustable sutures: Used in securing the muscles, indicating specific techniques.

Extensive scar tissue from previous surgery: Requires additional work and isolation.

CPT codes 67314 and 67334 are used to report the resection of two muscles with adjustable sutures (67314) and surgery on an extraocular muscle involving extensive scar tissue (67334).

Question 7

A patient with Parkinson's has sialorrhe

a. The physician administers an injection of atropine bilaterally into a total of four submandibular salivary glands.

What CPT coding is reported?

Answer : A

Injection of atropine: Atropine is administered to reduce sialorrhea.

Bilateral submandibular salivary glands: The physician administers the injections into the salivary glands.

Total of four glands: Indicates that multiple glands are treated in the same session.

CPT code 64611 accurately represents chemodenervation of the salivary glands, bilateral. The use of -50, -52, or x4 modifiers is not appropriate since CPT guidelines include bilateral procedures in this code without needing additional modifiers or codes.

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Total 100 questions