AAPC CPC Certified Professional Coder (CPC) Exam Practice Test

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Total 100 questions
Question 1

View MR 002395

MR 002395

Operative Report

Pre-operative Diagnosis: Acute rotator cuff tear

Post-operative Diagnosis: Acute rotator cuff tear, synovitis


1) Rotator cuff repair

2) Biceps Tenodesis

3) Claviculectomy

4) Coracoacromial ligament release

Indication: Rotator cuff injury of a 32-year-old male, sustained while playing soccer.

Findings: Complete tear of the right rotator cuff, synovitis, impingement.

Procedure: The patient was prepared for surgery and placed in left lateral decubitus position. Standard posterior arthroscopy portals were made followed by an anterior-superior portal. Diagnostic arthroscopy was performed. Significant synovitis was carefully debrided. There was a full-thickness upper 3rd subscapularis tear, which was repaired. The lesser tuberosity was debrided back to bleeding healthy bone and a Mitek 4.5 mm helix anchor was placed in the lesser tuberosity. Sutures were passed through the subcapulans in a combination of horizontal mattress and simple interrupted fashion and then tied. There was a partial-thickness tearing of the long head of the biceps. The biceps were released and then anchored in the intertubercular groove with a screw. There was a large anterior acromial spur with subacromial impingement. A CA ligament was released and acromioplasty was performed. Attention was then directed to the

supraspinatus tendon tear. The tear was V-shaped and measured approximately 2.5 cm from anterior to posterior. Two Smith & Nephew PEEK anchors were used for the medial row utilizing Healicoil anchors. Side-to-side stitches were placed. One set of suture tape from each of the medial anchors was then placed through a laterally placed Mitek helix PEEK knotless anchor which was fully inserted after tensioning the tapes. A solid repair was obtained. Next there were severe degenerative changes at the AC joint of approximately 8 to 10 mm. The distal clavicle was resected taking care to preserve the superior AC joint capsule. The shoulder was thoroughly lavaged. The instruments were removed and the incisions were closed in routine fashion. Sterile dressing was applied. The patient was transferred to recovery in stable condition.

What CPT coding is reported for this case?

Answer : A

29827: Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair is correctly coded as 29827.

29828: Arthroscopic biceps tenodesis is an additional procedure and should be coded as 29828 with modifier -51 (Multiple Procedures).

29824: Arthroscopic claviculectomy (partial resection of the distal clavicle) is coded as 29824 with modifier -51.

29826: Arthroscopic subacromial decompression, including coracoacromial ligament release, is coded as 29826.

All these procedures were performed arthroscopically and documented in the operative report, justifying the use of these codes and the use of modifier -51 for multiple procedures.

CPT Professional Edition, AMA

Question 2

View MR 001394

MR 001394

Operative Report

Procedure: Excision of 11 cm back lesion with rotation flap repair.

Preoperative Diagnosis: Basal cell carcinoma

Postoperative Diagnosis: Same

Anesthesia: 1% Xylocaine solution with epinephrine warmed and buffered and injected slowly through a 30-gauge needle for the patient's comfort.

Location: Back

Size of Excision: 11 cm

Estimated Blood Loss: Minimal

Complications: None

Specimen: Sent to the lab in saline for frozen section margin control.

Procedure: The patient was taken to our surgical suite, placed in a comfortable position, prepped and draped, and locally anesthetized in the usual sterile fashion. A #15 scalpel blade was used to excise the basal cell carcinoma plus a margin of normal skin in a circular fashion in the natural relaxed skin tension lines as much as possible The lesion was removed full thickness including epidermis, dermis, and partial thickness subcutaneous tissues. The wound was then spot electro desiccated for hemorrhage control. The specimen was sent to the lab on saline for frozen section.

Rotation flap repair of defect created by foil thickness frozen section excision of basal cell carcinoma of the back. We were able to devise a 12 sq cm flap and advance it using rotation flap closure technique. This will prevent infection, dehiscence, and help reconstruct the area to approximate the situation as it was prior to surgical excision diminishing the risk of significant pain and distortion of the anatomy in the are

a. This was advanced medially to close the defect with 5 0 Vicryl and 6-0 Prolene stitches.

What CPT coding is reported for this case?

Answer : D

For the excision of an 11 cm lesion with a rotation flap repair, the appropriate CPT codes are 14001 for the adjacent tissue transfer or rearrangement (12 sq cm flap) and 11606-51 for the excision of a malignant lesion including margins, face, ears, eyelids, nose, lips; excised diameter over 4.0 cm. Modifier 51 indicates multiple procedures. The detailed operative report specifies the lesion size and the technique used, justifying these codes. Reference: CPT Professional Edition (current year), AMA.

Question 3

Patient has undergone open surgery for a left total knee arthroplasty. While in the recovery room, he continued to have severe postoperative pain. The surgeon ordered a femoral block for postoperative pain. The anesthesiologist evaluated the patient and performed a left femoral block, which provided significant post-operative pain relief.

What CPT coding is reported?

Answer : C

The patient has undergone a left total knee arthroplasty and subsequently received a femoral nerve block for postoperative pain management. CPT code 01402 is used for anesthesia for total knee arthroplasty. Code 64447-59-LT is for a femoral nerve block (single injection) for postoperative pain management, with modifier 59 indicating a distinct procedural service and LT indicating the left side. Therefore, the appropriate codes are 01402 and 64447-59-LT. Reference: CPT Professional Edition (current year), AMA.

Question 4

A patient is taken to the radiology department for a radiological cardiac catheterization. An acute MI of the left anterior descending coronary artery is found. The cardiologist performs a suction thrombectomy, followed by atherectomy and a stent to the artery. A CRNA provides MAC for this patient, who is status P5.

What code/modifier combination would you report for the services of the CRNA?

Answer : C

The patient is undergoing a cardiac catheterization with a CRNA providing monitored anesthesia care (MAC). Code 00520 is for anesthesia for heart catheterization procedures. Modifier QX indicates CRNA service with medical direction by a physician, QS indicates MAC, and P5 indicates a patient with a severe systemic disease that is a constant threat to life. Thus, the correct code and modifier combination is 00520-QX-QS-P5. Reference: CPT Professional Edition (current year), AMA.

Question 5

A 6-French sheath and catheter is placed into the coronary artery and is advanced to the left side of the heart into the ventricle. Ventriculography is performed using power injection of contrast agent. Pressures in the left heart are obtained. The coronary arteries are also selected and imaged.

What CPT code is reported?

Answer : D

For a procedure involving the placement of a 6-French sheath and catheter into the coronary artery, advancing to the left ventricle, performing ventriculography with power injection of contrast agent, obtaining pressures in the left heart, and imaging the coronary arteries, the correct CPT code is 93458. This code includes all the components of the described procedure.

AMA's CPT Professional Edition (current year)

Question 6

Patient has cervical spondylosis with myelopathy. The surgeon performed a bilateral posterior laminectomy with facetectomies at each level and foraminotomies performed between interspaces C5-C6 and C6-C7. Bilateral decompression of the nerve roots is achieved.

What CPT coding is reported?

Answer : A

Cervical spondylosis with myelopathy: Condition requiring decompressive surgery.

Bilateral posterior laminectomy, facetectomies, foraminotomies: Procedures performed to decompress nerve roots.

Interspaces C5-C6 and C6-C7: Specific levels where the procedures were performed.

CPT code 63045 is used for the initial cervical laminectomy, and 63048 is for each additional segment. The combination covers the decompression across two interspaces.

Question 7

A patient has chronic cholesteatoma in the right middle ear. The otolaryngologist performed a tympanoplasty with a radical mastoidectomy, removing the middle ear cholesteatom

a. Grafting technique was used to repair the eardrum without ossicular chain reconstruction.

What CPT code is reported for this surgery?

Answer : A

The procedure involves a tympanoplasty with a radical mastoidectomy and removal of a cholesteatoma from the middle ear, including grafting of the eardrum without ossicular chain reconstruction.

Procedure Description:


Radical mastoidectomy.

Removal of cholesteatoma from the middle ear.

Grafting technique used to repair the eardrum without ossicular chain reconstruction.

CPT Coding:

69645: Tympanoplasty with mastoidectomy (including canalplasty, atticotomy and/or middle ear surgery), radical or complete, with removal of cholesteatoma; with mastoid obliteration.

AMA's CPT Professional Edition (current year).

CPT Assistant for detailed coding guidelines on otolaryngology procedures.

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Total 100 questions