In US the exemption amount for Alternative Minimum Tax in the case of estate or trust is _________. The same in the case of married individuals filing a joint return and surviving spouses is ______________.
Answer : B
Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?
Answer : D
__________________ is used to show what Inheritance tax is due when someone has died and _________________ is used to show what Inheritance tax is due from lifetime events.
Answer : C
There is no overall limit on how much a person can have invested in ISA accounts, but additional investments are currently limited to ________per person per year: a maximum of _________ in cash funds, with the balance being allocated either to mutual funds (Units Trusts and OEICs) or individual self-selected shares.
Answer : C
Which of the following statement(s) about FDAP Income is/are correct?
Answer : C
Which of the following statements about NRIC No. is correct?
Answer : D
_____________should submit the Form T to the Comptroller of Income Tax by __________
Answer : D